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  4. Работа Commission based Educational Sales Manager в Киеве
  5. Commission based Educational Sales Manager
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Commission based Educational Sales Manager

 18 марта  Киев 
Компания: Pointsquares OU  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Торговля, продажи, закупки; Наука, образование, переводы


Контактное лицо:Tina Edwards

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от пяти лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

About TechTitans: TechTitans ( is a cutting-edge educational platform offering hands-on courses across a variety of creative tech industries, including Game Design, Web Development, Animation, Digital Art, Digital Marketing, Sound Design and more in English and Greek languages. We empower learners to gain practical, in-demand skills for the tech industry through an engaging, gamified approach to education.

Role Overview: We are seeking a motivated and experienced remote Sales Representative to help us expand TechTitans’ presence within the global education sector (English and Greek speaking countries mostly). You’ll be responsible for reaching out to mainly private schools, colleges, training centers to promote our platform, offering trial access and demonstrating how TechTitans can help their students build a strong foundation in creative technology.


· Reach out to private schools, colleges and training centers with students aged 13+ to present TechTitans educational system for tech education. Initiate global sales with particular focus on Ukraine as well as English speaking countries. Participate in conferences and EdTech events in Ukraine to build the client base and push the sales.

· In person visits to colleges, universities and ministry of education in Ukraine.

· Negotiate with the ministry of education about the requirements for implementing the system in public schools and follow up with the application processes.

· Offer trial access to schools and showcase the value of our system features.

· Build strong relationships with education leaders and faculty.

· Negotiate deals and follow up to close sales.


Commission based - for private institutions we offer 20% of the first year pay of onboarded schools, for public sector schools we offer 30% of the first year pay of all schools. The subscription plans are tailored for the school needs and student numbers. For top candidates who hit the KPI of onboarding 10+ colleges within a month we may consider switching to Base + commission structure.


· Strong background in the education industry or sales within education. Large network in educational industry in Ukraine.

· Excellent communication and negotiation skills.

· Passionate about educational technology and innovation.

Application Procedure:

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