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  4. Работа Examinations Invigilator в Украине
  5. Examinations Invigilator
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Examinations Invigilator

404 грн.
 24 июня 2024  Ивано-Франково 
Компания: Victvs Global   ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Наука, образование, переводы; Работа за рубежом; Работа без квалификации


Телефон: +0(113)539-7056
Контактное лицо:Matthew Joseph Wilson

Пожелания к сотруднику

Опыт работы:не требуется
График работы:свободный график работы

Описание вакансии

Requirements, wishes: 


Job description

VICTVS In-Centre Exam Invigilator

VICTVS is recruiting Exam Invigilators to supervise professional examinations in-person at venues in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

Note: applications submitted without a covering letter will not be accepted.


VICTVS is UK-based international education services company that specialises in the global delivery of high-stakes examination programmes. We work with awarding organisations in more than 100 countries, helping learners to access life-changing opportunities.

We have proudly built a connected global network of outstanding people who help us to achieve our goals by offering unrivalled levels of service and embodying our core values: Honesty, Integrity, Professionalism, Courage.

Role description:

The successful applicant will oversee professional, high-stakes examinations for adult learners. Invigilators are required to follow all procedures and instructions in order to protect the integrity and security of the examinations. Examinations may be written or computer-based so the successful applicant will have good computer skills as well as strong attention to detail.

Working Pattern:

Each exam lasts up to 8 hours but you may be required to work up to 9 hours per day. Invigilators receive around 10 days' notice on upcoming assignments. Exams are usually held on Friday.

You may also be asked to attend set up days which involve preparing a venue or room for upcoming examinations.

This work is offered on a freelance or contractor basis and is not a full-time position. You will be responsible for your transportation to and from venues. Only expenses that form part of our Allowable Expenses Policy will be considered.


$10 USD per/hour

Main duties and responsibilities:

· Preparing the exam room

· Greeting candidates and checking their identification documents
· Supporting test centre staff
· Communicating instructions to candidates
· Assisting candidates with any problems or concerns
· Recording attendance of candidates
· Ensuring that candidates do not have any prohibited items
· Monitoring candidates
· Dealing with any technical issues
· Reporting and recording incidents
· Communicating any problems to VICTVS

Essential requirements:
· English language (spoken and written)
· Computer skills
· Able to communicate confidently, effectively, and professionally
· Able to demonstrate good organisational and administrative skills
· Accuracy / attention to detail
· Punctual / good time management
· Follows instructions confidently

Person specification:

· Sincere, honest and reliable
· High level of professional and personal integrity
· Able to establish trust and confidence
· Respect and use discretion
· Good judgement


Prior invigilation experience is not required but may strengthen applications.

Applicants will be required to be fluent in Ukrainian and English.

How to apply:

Please complete your application, including a covering letter, and return it to us as soon as possible. Selected candidates will be contacted by a member of our team with further instructions on how to complete your application.

Successful applicants will be required to complete an online training course and have a call with a member of our team. Our interview and training process can take up to three hours to complete.

At VICTVS we will work with you to ensure that you are well prepared to deliver the services required of you but it is essential that you are aware of the requirement for training and approval, before you submit your application.



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