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  5. Game Presenter
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Game Presenter

63 000 грн.
 15 апреля 2024  Киев 
Компания: Medlialive LLC  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты


Телефон: +374-93-377-070
Контактное лицо:Аче Варданян

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:не требуется
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

We are looking for a talented and energetic Game Presenters to join our team at Medialive in Armenia, Yerevan.

As a Game Presenter, you will host and comment on online games for our audience.

Main duties:

1. Conducting online games and commenting them live

2. Chat with the players and answer their questions in the chat

3. Creating an interesting and exciting conventions for viewers

4. Ensuring high quality and professionalism while conducting games


1. Higher education (preferably in the field of media, journalism or video production)

2. Excellent communication skills

3. Energy and high motivation in the field of gaming

4. Knowledge and understanding of game culture and trends

5. Ability to work in a team

6. Excellent knowledge of English language

7. Ability to work with a flexible schedule (morning, evening, night shifs)

We offer you to become a part of our young and talented team, to get the opportunity to develop in the field of gaming. You will receive the necessary trainings and support from our experienced trainers.

1. The company pays for the flight from another country to Armenia and accommodation in the hotel.

2. The company provides transfer to workplace and back.

3. Meals at work.

4. Paid training period (27 days) at the rate of $45 per day.

5. We provide individual work clothes, shoes, professional cosmetics and manicure every 2 weeks.

6. Official employment and registration of all documents (including work visa, residence permit, etc. for foreign citizens).

7. Opening a bank account.

8. Competitive salary in this field in the Armenian market (from $1400 per month).


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Уважаемые соискатели, обращаем ваше внимание на платные номера телефонов с кодом 070 (700), 090 (900), а также на прямые короткие мобильные номера. Стоимость минуты разговора с таким номером может составлять до 60 грн. Если Вы позвонили по номеру телефона указанному в вакансии, а автоответчик или ответивший человек предлагает перезвонить на номер с таким кодом — убедительная просьба, не звоните, чтобы не стать жертвой телефонного обмана!

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