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  5. International lawyer
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International lawyer

70 000 грн.
  2 августа 2024  Киев 
Компания: Brazy  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Юриспруденция, право; Работа за рубежом


Контактное лицо:Brazy Brazy

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от пяти лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

Hello, Brazy is looking for a qualified, experienced International Lawyer to work in our company. The successful candidate will provide legal advice, maintain legal documentation, and ensure compliance with international regulations and legislation.

We are a team of daring, innovative professionals. We are Cyberpunks, Cyber Jedi, and Pattern Breakers. Inspired by crazy ideas and a cool team, we create a quality product for the gaming industry and entertainment. We highly value intelligence, passion, and proactivity. We are constantly developing, and daily we struggle with routine and standards. We are changing the industry, changing the playing field so you can change the damn world.

Mission Brazy — To turn life into an interesting game! Vision Brazy — To be one of the world leaders in the entertainment industry!


- Legal support of the Company's business processes in foreign jurisdictions;

- Communication with legal partners-consultants in other countries regarding the Company's activities;

- Negotiations with foreign financial institutions (banking and non-banking financial institutions, payment systems) on terms of cooperation and account opening, compliance;

- Preparation and maintenance of legal documentation, invoices, agreements, and contracts of various types;

- Study and analysis of international legislation.


- Higher legal education;

- Work experience of 5 years, including with international jurisdictions for 3 years;

- Understanding and implementation of international law norms;

- Knowledge of all relevant office programs;

- Fluency in English (oral/written);

- Attention to detail, ability to quickly navigate international legislation, ability to learn quickly, willingness to work beyond the norm.

What we could offer:

  • 24 days of paid leave per year.

  • 100% paid sick leave.

  • Full-time remote.

  • Long-term collaboration.

  • Sustainable business.

Write me in TG - Yuli4kaKos 


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