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Magento Developer

 25 сентября 2020  Львов 
Компания: iBiT Progress  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

Development and support of web-sites based on Magento2 CE, development of modules and plug-ins for Magento.


  • English at the level of reading technical documentation (conversational English is welcome);
  • Knowledge and experience with PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Apache / NGINX, Linux CLI;
  • Experience with Magento, and / or other eCommerce systems;
  • Ability to work with Magento Layout and friendship with XML;
  • Basic understanding of the principles of JS in Magento2 (RequireJS);
  • Experience with REST API;
  • Understanding formal software development processes and Agile methodologies;
  • Flexible analytical thinking, learning ability, perseverance in finding solutions and achieving goals;
  • A solid understanding of the principles of OOP;
  • Basic HTML / CSS layout skills;
  • Sociability, initiative and the desire to develop skills.

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