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  4. Работа Middle Business Development Manager в Украине
  5. Middle Business Development Manager
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Middle Business Development Manager

 28 февраля 2024  Львов 
Компания: Soft Industry Ltd.  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты; Торговля, продажи, закупки


Телефон: +38 (096) 478-72-10
Контактное лицо:Анна
Адрес:Чернігів, ул. Кошевого, д.1

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от двух лет
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

Soft Industry Alliance is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Business Development Manager to join our dynamic team.

Our ideal candidate will have a strong background in IT and exceptional sales skills.


  • 2+ years experience as BDM/Sales manager (B2B),
  • Experience in the IT outsourcing/outstaffing industry,
  • English level (B2+).
  • Evidence of long-term professional relationships with clients,
  • Understanding of software development,
  • Knowledge of sales techniques,
  • Ability to identify client’s needs and find an approach to the client,
  • Work experience with CRM, Jira, Excel,
  • Letter-writing skills,
  • Advanced communication skills,
  • Customer-centric and result-oriented person,
  • Negotiation skills,
  • Ability to work with objections,
  • Time management skills,
  • Ability to prioritize effectively,
  • Ability to effectively ask open and closed questions,
  • Experience in full cycle of sales,
  • Deep knowledge in Sales Pipeline,
  • Ability to build strategy plans for the collaboration with clients,

Your responsibilities:

  1. Сonduct a needs analysis, identify pain points of potential clients and bring them to a meeting;
  2. Build strategy plans for the collaboration with clients;
  3. Search for new clients through different channels (LinkedIn, Email, etc.) based on the Ideal Client Profile/Buyer Person,
  4. Meet monthly sales plans,
  5. Negotiations and signing contracts with clients,
  6. Working with leadgeneration command,
  7. Preparation and submission of documents for clients (NDA, Contracts),
  8. Participation in the full sales cycle, including pre-sales visits before closing,
  9. Prepare sales support materials (scripts, presentations...),
  10. Take proactive participation in events appointed by the leader,
  11. High-quality and timely execution of tasks from management to achieve sales goals,
  12. Working with CRM, Jira, Confluence, Excel.

We offer:

1. 24 calendar days of paid vacation per year (after the trial period);
2. Paid sick days (after the trial period);
3. Possibility to work remotely;
4. Possibility to visit English courses;
5. Possibility of having consultations with a psychologist.

Send your CV and let’s talk in deteils!


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