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  5. Personal Assistant for CEO/COO
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Personal Assistant for CEO/COO

 27 мая  Днепр 
Компания: CUUB Studio  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:Офисный персонал

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:не имеет значения
Опыт работы:не требуется
График работы:удаленная работа

Описание вакансии

Hi! I’m Daniil, CEO of CUUB Studio. Together with our COO, Alina, we helm one of the premier architectural visualization studios globally. At CUUB, we don’t just create digital content; we craft visual experiences for luxury real estate and architectural projects that captivate and inspire. Our team of over 40 talented artists in Ukraine and European countries is constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

This isn’t just another assistant role – we’re searching for someone who will become one of the most invaluable members of our team, our true right hand, who will elevate our efficiency to new heights. We’re looking for a dedicated teammate, a true CUUB enthusiast, who is passionately driven by their work and accomplishments.

There are several crucial criterias:

  • We are looking for an adult responsible person, who can commit fully to the role without significant personal commitments that may interfere with the job’s demanding nature.

  • Flexible and irregular working hours.

  • Advance English is essential, both spoken and written. You’ll be reading advanced materials, writing emails, and communicating with international partners

So if you are 100% comfortable with these 3, couple of other things that are important to us:

What is important to us:

  • Trustworthiness: absolute honesty and loyalty are crucial. You should be someone I can rely on 100%. You will be working with our finances and personal staff, so this will be the first and most vital thing we will be checking.

  • Proactiveness: anticipate needs and take action without waiting for instructions.

  • Master of details: your closet is organized by multiple criteria and looks like a display in a store. Your desk is completely clear because everything is perfectly structured in folders. If your personal space is chaotic, this role might not be the right fit. We need someone who thrives on creating and maintaining structure.

  • Passion for Learning: a keen interest in self-development and a thirst for knowledge are essential.

  • Strong Communication Skills: you should be highly communicative and able to build strong relationships with a variety of people quickly.

  • Kindness and empathy: driven by empathy, you find satisfaction in helping others and making the world a better place.

Couple of other things:

  • Information Management: You will need to handle and organize a large volume of information efficiently, focusing on what is most important.

  • Tech-Savvy: You should be adept with all modern productivity tools such as Google Docs, Google Calendar, Notion, ChatGPT, other AI tools, etc. If you’re not using Gmail, this might not be the right role for you.You love learning new software and can figure out how to use a new CRM within a day.

  • Language Skills: You need to have excellent spoken and written language skills (Ukrainian, English). You should also have a solid grasp of grammar and correct word usage.

What will be your duties?

Get ready for an adventure! Each day will be dynamic and filled with new, exciting challenges. You’ll be navigating through a variety of tasks, ensuring that monotony is never part of your routine


  • Manage Schedule: Prepare and remind the CEO and COO of their to-do lists, organize calls, create meeting links, write agendas.

  • Email master: Sort emails, respond to template-based emails, and forward important messages.

  • Financial Document Preparation: Prepare payroll templates, collect reports from the team, sorting the paperwork.

  • Task execution controller: you will be present on most of the meetings with us, make notes, follow ups and control the tasks.

  • Weekly Reporting: Gather weekly reports from all departments, compile project statuses from PMO, and report to the COO. This may also include collecting key metrics from all departments.

  • Budget Management: Collect budgets for approval, send back approved budgets, and manage financial documentation.

  • Travel Coordination: Book tickets, hotels, and prepare for conferences and trips.

  • Information Gathering: Prepare analytics and data lists across various sectors, from compiling lists of developers in the Middle East to marketing agencies in the USA.

  • Insight Analysis: Analyze events, training courses, news, and books to identify those that may be of interest.

We want you to take over all the ongoing routine tasks, learn everything the COO does, and grow into a full-fledged replacement. This will allow us to focus on important strategic initiatives.

By now, most candidates have likely stopped reading. If you still see yourself in this role, that’s a great sign. Yes, we have high expectations, and it may seem daunting, but we believe it’s absolutely achievable.

What we offer from our side:

  • We offer a competitive salary and bonuses for exceptional performance.

  • We’re committed to providing mentorship and sharing our extensive knowledge and experience.

  • We will introduce you to interesting people who can broaden your horizons.

  • You’ll always have our support, motivation, and protection.

  • We’re willing to invest in your education and provide you with valuable books, courses etc.

  • We’re flexible with your schedule, understanding that you may need to leave early or take time off, as long as it doesn’t interfere with critical tasks.

Overall, we are open and supportive leaders who will care for you beyond just work matters. However, we are also demanding and do not tolerate mediocrity. We strive to be the best at what we do and are looking for someone who shares this drive to join our team.

If you are close to our values and goals, join the CUUB studio!

Stages of the interview process that you will encounter:

0️⃣ Pre-screening
(when we receive and check your CV, we will ask you to send a video presentation about yourself)

1️⃣ HR-interview
- HR manager
- candidate

2️⃣ Test Task

3️⃣Introduction meeting (with COO)
- candidate

4️⃣Introduction meeting (with CEO)
- candidate

5️⃣Job Offer! Yeeah??


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