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  4. Работа QA Engineer (desktop experience) в Киеве
  5. QA Engineer (desktop experience)
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QA Engineer (desktop experience)

 31 мая  Киев 
Компания: CMK  ( (Все вакансии)
Рубрики:IT, WEB специалисты


Контактное лицо:Anna Dan

Пожелания к сотруднику

Образование:полное высшее
Опыт работы:от года
График работы:полный рабочий день

Описание вакансии

Project description:

We are looking for a candidate to fill the position of Manual QA Engineer to work on interesting and challenging projects.


- Ability to read and write technical English

- Knowledge of Windows OS family and any Unix-like operating system (macOS is preferred)

- Understanding of software QA methodologies, tools, processes, and testing environments

- Proficiency and 1+ years of experience in manual testing, analyzing the requirements, creating and executing test cases, reporting test results, bug report creation and verification

- Experience with bug-tracking systems

Personal skills:

- Responsible and result-oriented person

- Analytical and solid written and communication skills

- Good time management skills

- Сritical thinking

- Attention to detail

- Work closely with programming teams

- Ability to deal with ambiguity and drive independently or collaboratively with the team on solutions

- Work efficiently in a fast-paced environment


- Tests execution: verify functionality against test documentation, specifications, baselines, guidelines; test GUI, regression testing

- Defect reporting: document, report and re-test defects according to generally accepted best practices and internal policies

- Specifications Review and preparing Test Documentation and Test Data: participate in internal peer reviews of specifications for new features, creating test documentation and test data

We offer:

- Full-time remote employment

- Flexible working hours

- Free medical insurance coverage and health program

- Paid sick leave

- 24 fully paid vacation days


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