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  4. Резюме ECommerce project manager, Shopify project manager в Киеве
  5. ECommerce project manager, Shopify project manager
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Ecorn Roma

ECommerce project manager, Shopify project manager

 20 июля 2023  Город: Киев
Возраст:29 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, удаленная работа, частичная занятость
Рубрики: IT, WEB специалисты; Руководство; Торговля, продажи, закупки
или зарегистрируйтесь на сайте как работодатель, чтобы видеть контактную информацию.

Опыт работы

eCommerce Project Manager / Shopify Project Manager
Ecorn Agency (Shopify), New York
07.2021 − По настоящее время (3 года 7 месяцев)


•Managing projects on the E-commerce platform Shopify, such as Tons, Mjewelry

•Developed and implemented a performance review system.
•Organized work in the development of own product to train new employees and improve the skills of own employees.
•Sharing experience between development teams and organizing work on agile methodologies.
•Developing project plans, goals, and budgets; identifying resources needed
•Developing schedules and methods for measuring results
•Knowledge of modern PM Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban)
•Assessment of labor costs; setting, distribution and control of the implementation of project tasks between (teams of 8 to 12 people);
• Assessment of labor costs; setting, distribution and control of the implementation of project tasks between;
•Guiding and performing strategic analysis for the project
•Organising and managing all phases of the project to ensure on-time completion
•Assembling and coordinating project team members; assigning individual responsibilities
•Preparing requests for proposals and conducting all necessary meetings to facilitate selection of project services and products
•Planning and overseeing the preparation and dissemination of project communications.
•Parallel management of 2-4 projects


 Есть рекомендации с данного места работы


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Киев)
Finance and credit
полное высшее, 09.2012 − 06.2016 (3 года 9 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование

 Shopify Certification (2022)

Знание языков:

Английский - Продвинутый (свободно), Русский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Украинский - Профессиональный (эксперт)
Дополнительно: Украинский и Русский - родные

Дополнительная информация

Знание компьютера, программ: Shopify, Figma, Shopify Apps, Orders Management, Excel, Google Sheets, Google Analytics, Meta Suite, Trello, Notion
Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: Personal: I have three years of experience in project management. Easily adaptable in all aspects of project management, including planning, budgeting and coordinating all working parts of a project. Key business domains: E-commerce. Major achievements: Developed and implemented a performance review system, which helped to track the weak points of the team and quickly eliminate them, which in turn ensured the constant growth of the team's skills, and also improved the performance of the outsourcing division of the company. Set up knowledge transfer process for new employees. This helped new employees to quickly adapt and show results within the first month. Set up and released technical training course that served to train and hire new employees, as well as improve skills within the company. Organized the project processes in accordance with the latest agile methodologies, which helped the company to get a business partner. Responsible for hiring and making decisions on developer vacancies. This experience only improved my analytical skills and also helped me put into practice new approaches to company budget planning.

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