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  4. Резюме International Project Manager в Киеве
  5. International Project Manager
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Резюме International Project Manager
Sadovska Tatiana

Professional resumeПрофессиональное резюме, в котором указаны: эл.почта, телефон, зарплата, опыт работы, образование и другая важная информация.International Project Manager

100 000 грн.
 20 февраля  Город: Киев
Возраст:56 лет
Режим работы:полный рабочий день, свободный график работы, плавающий график работы
Рубрики: Консалтинг; Руководство; Работа за рубежом
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Опыт работы

ACCESSION LLC (IBusiness Consulting/International Project ), Киев
08.2011 − 01.2023 (11 лет 5 месяцев)

- Company start-up, daily operations management and coordination, strategy development and implementation, costs optimization;

- brokerage in real estate, deals with non-residents purchasing property in Ukraine.

- investment project development, presentation and co-ordination;

- customer negotiations & support;

- searching & maintaining professional relations with resident and non-resident customers;

- maintaining collaboration with the foreign partners, cooperation/agency contracts signing;

- personnel recruiting;

- business training arrangements;

- representation of the Company in international events.

Achievements: the Company profits have increased from “minus level” (a loan) to a few mln. UAH

 Есть рекомендации с данного места работы
Senior Manager/Head of Sales Department
Silver Centre Development Company (Core businesses: Real Estate & Land Development), Киев
05.2007 − 08.2011 (4 года 3 месяца)

- transactions support and deals making;

- searching & maintaining professional relations with resident and non-resident customers (including negotiations, presentations, pre-sales consulting; advices on finance, legal & technical issues, co-ordination, projects accompanying & support, etc.);

- Company’s business strategy development and projects implementation including but not limited to:

1. Logistic facilities (including “built-to-suit” format);

2. Truck outdoor parking;

3. Villa development & construction;

4. Business centres located in city centre.

- searching investors for implementation of projects on construction and start-up of full-circle industrial facilities (preferable logistics, vehicle manufactures, business centres or similar) to be located on the company’s own land plots;

- sale of local agrarian companies having relevant land plots to foreign investors.

- maintaining collaboration with the foreign partners, foreign and local brokers, consulting, co-operation with investment companies, cooperation/agency agreements signing;

- participation in International business forums, conferences and exhibitions devoted to Real Estate & Land Development sectors held in Cannes (France), Vienna (Austria), Munich (Germany), etc..

The deals initiated, accompanied and closed by me immediately amounted to approx. 10 mln Euro (2008, 2009, and 2011) in total.

International Projects Manager
A.C.A. Worldwide - Headhunting, Executive Search & Recruiting (Core businesses: top & senior level management headhunting & executive search, middle management personnel recruiting, international business education.), Киев
12.2005 − 05.2007 (1 год 5 месяцев)

- Managing the Company’s business process on daily basis;

- Company’s strategy development and implementation;

- Customer negotiation and support, signing agreements for filling vacancies in private companies operating in various industries;

- Searching, interviewing, recruiting executives suitable for senior positions, as well as middle management positions and administrative support personnel;

- Co-operation with foreign recruiting & headhunting companies aimed at implementing international projects;

- Co-operation with International Representatives (ЕBА, European Commission, charity foundations);

The Company fees for senior & middle management vacancies filled by me immediately amounted to approx. 1.5 mln USD.


National University  (Ужгород)
International Economic Relations
полное высшее, 09.2006 − 06.2008 (1 год 9 месяцев)
Institute of World Economy & International Relations (Киев)
International Politics (Post-Graduate Study)
полное высшее, 09.1994 − 10.1997 (3 года )
Kyiv Shevchenko National University (Киев)
Contemporary International Relations (EU-US focus) & English translation & interpretation.
полное высшее, 09.1988 − 06.1993 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование

 Fundraising, Grant-writing /Synergy Academy/ Synergy Consulting, 2020
 Private Entrepreneurship Kyiv Development Group August, 2005
 ‘Sales Efficiency’ Baltic Training Group October, 2007
 “Presentation Excellence” - Professional Development Program’/Door. Training & Consulting February, 2011
 “How to avoid typical errors in translation”/ June, 2011
 Successful Networking / KCCI, 2020

Знание языков:

Английский - Продвинутый (свободно), Французский - Средний, Немецкий - Начальный, Русский - Профессиональный (эксперт), Украинский - Продвинутый (свободно)
Дополнительно: English Translator/Interpreter Diploma (Kyiv Shevchenko University)

Дополнительная информация

Знание компьютера, программ: Computer literacy: Experienced with Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook Express, etc..
Личные качества, хобби, увлечения, навыки: Skills: Strong managing and organisational skills, customer-oriented, effective strategy making, creativity, etc. Publications: some articles of international & analytical contents (last: late 2008).
Цель поиска работы, пожелания к месту работы: Striving to achieve the highest results by occupying a top managing post based on personal skills and experience in the field of International Projects/activities. I would be glad to consider all the offers to be suitable.

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