Ваш надежный партнер в поиске работы и подборе персонала
Top Skills:
Jakarta EE
English (Full Professional)
Russian (Native or Bilingual)
Problem Solving
A brief information о мне. I've spent most of my life developing
applications using various technologies including Java Enterprise
Edition технологии. solid background in object-oriented
analysis, design, development and implementation.
Имеется в extensive software development experience including Java
and Oracle и это делается.
Послужите умением и pružnостью для выполнения в строительной технике.
and product development roles.
Специалисты: IT, Java, Oracle, Java, EE, etc.
Senior Java Fullstack Developer
July 2017 - текущий (5 years 3 months)
Разработанные решения для специалистов, использующих telecommunication
services to en end users including accounting and connectivity to end users.
Responsible to develop and maintain the backend and frontend of
applications, в основном Java и ElasticSearch on the backend. На frontend
is used Angular.
Responsibilities were to create new project libraries for additional features
включены в репозиторий проектов. Thea features provided with complete
API documentation and automated tests.
Созданное решение для управления Django Server с помощью Java Client.
Created JSON validation framework.
Создана плата library для SEPA и ACH плата в банках.
Senior Java Developer
Январь 2014 - Январь 2017 (3 года 1 месяц)
Развитый и поддерживаемый проект назван Packer Helper. Это featured project
in this profile.
Разработка решений для клиента. e-commerce domain. Created and
reincarnated Packer Helper application to manage orders distributed from
commercial channels worldwide.
Приложение helped to Package ordered items from warehouses and
provide all required documentation to deliver the final destination purchases to
the end customers.
Roman Chepeliev
Senior Java Developer
January 2008 - January 2014 (6 years 1 month)
Вельми разработаны проекты для Real Estate businesses including a database,
application, and web server for advertising properties. Also создан an
application for automation of publishing and managing ads на другом веб-сайте
с помощью web page API.
Апрель 2008 - Декабрь 2008 (9 месяцев)
Проект SOP, который включает в себя Киев Compiler and IDE для DSL.
Senior Java Developer
Октябрь 2007 - February 2008 (5 месяцев)
Project SOPERA. Also known as the SOA Runtime Framework. Sopera is
an open source, modular and standards-based product. It was released under
Eclipse public license.
QuadraSoft LLC
Senior Java Developer
June 2007 - October 2007 (5 месяцев)
Киев, Украина
Разработано веб-приложение (CRM).
Resolved bugs and issues of enhancement to the current development
iteration state.
Изменяемый формат данных и объектов в соответствии с новыми правилами.
Разработан модернизация web flow actions и business logic.
Использованный refactoring the code to separate modules and resolve configuration
Senior Java Developer
Январь 2007 - June 2007 (6 месяцев)
Киев, Украина
Разработанные веб-сервисы модуль.
Analyzed user requirements and wishes.
Analyzed services architecture and integration of modules.
Обратите внимание с ошибками OJB для всех трех веб-сайтов.
Созданный Axis Service на Apache Tomcat моделирован в проектах workspace
via packaging namespaces.
Debugged and tested service through the client application written on Delphi
and also created GUI and web service support classes on the client.
Written custom tags on the web client to support fazoles used to access facade
of the object model.
Записываются JSP странички для закрепления логики службы.
Использованный Oracle Database for developing object data persistence
Senior Java Developer
January 2006 - January 2007 (1 year 1 month)
Project XNSG Framework. Она была разработана для Supply AEB products.
United Thinkers
Senior Java Developer
January 2005 - January 2006 (1 year 1 month)
Киев, Украина
Automated ERM services. Clients пользователем web front-end or JNLP
system. Each client
is managed with their roles asigned by the system или support representative
managers. Clients could
purchase services or items or sell его/her own. Back office fully managed
control client transactions and audit services.
Taurida 'VI Vernadskiy' National University
Master of Science (MS), Applied Mathematics · (1991 - 1996)
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