Janice Richardson
Recruiting Manager, Rollins Consulting Firm
Dear Ms. Richardson:
With understanding of the role
quality of hire plays for organizations today, and previous recruiting,
staffing and human resources experience, I submit my resume for consideration
for the position of experienced recruiter. In addition to my resume, I provide
below a brief overview of my ability to match your specific needs based on the
position competencies. Manage recruitment process from consultant through
senior manager levels In my previous role in corporate human resources, I
garnered significant experience in all aspects of the recruiting life cycle,
from definition of applicant to alumni management (creating ties with alumni to
ensure brand in the marketplace and enable re-employment strategies). In
addition to recruiting and development responsibilities, I worked closely with
a team to manage the firm internship program from inception to offer.
Assist in closing candidates In
addition to my recruiting experience, my closing capabilities are
well-developed from my experience in client contract negotiation. In my current
role, I have negotiated contracts from $15,000 to $105,000 with over 300
different clients and an average closing rate of 89%. Plan and participate in
events I organized and managed a number of large, successful events at my
current consulting firm, ranging from a global Partner Offsite retreat to
My professional services firm
experience and my educational background encapsulates a number of the position
competencies. I have a history of strong staff management, working closely with
my current team on individual development plans, and understand my role to
assist and promote staff member success. I actively seek upward and peer
feedback and recognize its importance in organization success.
Most importantly, I am eager to stay
in the professional services firm environment. I would welcome the privilege of
speaking with you further and look forward to hearing from you.
Respectfully submitted,
Warren R. Anderson
Прояви дискримінації на співбесідах зазвичай не вибиваються зі стандартного кола питань. Хоча іноді HR-спеціалісти можуть і здивувати. Сьогодні з’ясовуємо, як відповідати кандидату в подібних ситуаціях.
Ще в часи пандемії фрилансерські заробітки для багатьох українців стали справжнім порятунком. Відтак чимало батьків усвідомили просту істину: потрібно не лише вчити дітей фінансовій грамотності, а й зацікавлювати дитину фрилансом. Як це робити? Детальніше читайте в статті.
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Насправді це серйозна проблема багатьох людей, тобто вміння працювати з власною агресією. З’ясуємо разом з Jobs.ua, як правильно працювати з агресією і знайти їй краще застосування, аніж ображати одне одного в соцмережах.
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