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  3. Робота і вакансії в Charitable foundation research innovation in medicine “RIMON” в Києві

Charitable foundation research innovation in medicine “RIMON”

 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 4 січня 2017

Опис компанії

Charitable foundation research innovation in medicine “RIMON", established in 2014, is an Ukrainian, non-governmental, non-profit organization that aims to elaborate the international cooperation with professional medical European societies and joint realization of an educational programs for Ukrainian doctors, therewith provides programs for Ukrainian physicians to help them to attend the leading world congresses (such is grants seeking, full service support etc.), organizes professional events, focuses on medical and scientific international congresses all over Ukraine with ambitions to operate the events abroad as well.

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Вакансії в Charitable foundation research innovation in medicine “RIMON”

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