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  3. Робота і вакансії в ControlPay в Києві


 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 4 серпня 2015

Опис компанії

ControlPay provides a unique end to end logistics management solution for multinationals around the globe. ControlPay is a leading Freight Audit company that has developed a unique purchase2pay concept that entails solutions around Freight sourcing & procurement, Freight Audit and controltowers. Based on a strong mix of managed services, cloud solutions and advanced technology we deliver superior logistics visibility, process optimization and seamless data integration with ERP systems for financial and logistics data. A high level of automation and 100% correct data are key concepts to the ControlPay offering.

We proudly serve clients from around the world with over 100 associates in 4 regional offices.

Показати контакти

Вакансії в ControlPay

У цієї компанії на даний момент немає активних вакансій.

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