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  3. Робота і вакансії в EPAM Systems в Львові

EPAM Systems

 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 28 березня 2014

Опис компанії

EPAM Systems is a mature company focused on technology and engineering. We are keen on constant development and eager to always be the best among key technology players. Our motto is ‘Delivering excellence in software engineering’ – which is what we’ve been successful at for the last 20 years. Our nearshore presence is the largest in the world, making EPAM Systems the company with the strongest hold in the whole Eastern Europe. At the same time, our growth in the US and Western Europe is as much as 30% faster than the average growth rate. EPAM encourages employees to have active social life and gives the opportunity to deliver excellence not only in software engineering, but also in their no-work activities. We also cherish and highly respect family values, and support your personal goals as much as the professional ones.
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Вакансії в EPAM Systems

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