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  1. Робота в Україні
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  3. Робота і вакансії в forumZFD Programme Office in Ukraine в Одесі

forumZFD Programme Office in Ukraine

 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 6 лютого 2020

Опис компанії

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e.V. (Forum Civil Peace Service, forumZFD)

forumZFD supports people involved in violent conflicts on the path to peace and strives to help overcome war and violence. forumZFD is currently working with peace consultants in Germany as well as ten other countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Its Academy for Conflict Transformation offers a learning space for professionals engaged internationally in peace work. Through dialogue events, educational work and campaigns, forumZFD actively advocates for civil peace policy.

forumZFD is recognized by the German federal government as a member of the Civil Peace Service (CPS) consortium. It finances its work through public and private grants, donations and membership fees. Currently, forumZFD in Ukraine operates through its offices in Kyiv and Odesa and works with Ukrainian partners in the fields of civil conflict transformation and peace building.

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Вакансії в forumZFD Programme Office in Ukraine

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