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На сайті з 23 квітня 2023

Опис компанії

OpTeamizer (​) is a solution provider of end-to-end software development services for AI and HPC applications. With over 100 customers, ranging from large enterprises to start-ups, OpTeamizer services include R&D of AI using neural networks, CUDA GPU development, NVIDIA Jetson edge AI platform development, software optimizations, and OpenAI technologies integration.​


  • Artificial Intelligence​
  • GPU development ​
  • NVIDIA Jetson Platform development​
  • Software optimization​
  • OpenAI technologies integration​


  • Healthcare​
  • Inspection​
  • Security ​
  • Smart cities​
  • VR​
  • Fintech​
  • Autonomous Vehicles​


OpTeamizer offers solutions, development, consulting, and training services to NVIDIA customers worldwide, to assist developers in creating embedded edge applications using the NVIDIA Jetson Platform.​

OpTeamizer leverages its expertise in NVIDIA GPUs to accelerate R&D centers in delivering next-generation edge devices based on the Jetson platform to the market.

OPTEAMIZER Edge AI Computing Solutions​

OpTeamizer specializes in providing solutions to customers who seek to develop and implement edge AI computing solutions. With a focus on NVIDIA technologies and extensive expertise in developing embedded edge applications, OpTeamizer is helping customers to leverage the latest advancements in AI and HPC and delivers state-of-the-art solutions that are optimized for maximum efficiency and performance, ensuring that customers can stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of AI technology.​

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