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  2. Компанії
  3. Робота і вакансії в Polontech в Львові


 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 19 червня 2013

Опис компанії

Efficient IT services from Europe Please visit our website to get the overview of our services and portfolio: IT professionals with more than 10 years of IT expertise. Our goals: to be a leading IT services provider, to deliver outstanding client/partner services and to achieve financial success and professional satisfaction for our employees. Most of our customers choose to become our long-term partners. It is very important for us to build a good relationship with a customer. That’s why we always strive to be a highly reliable, flexible and cost-saving partner for each client. Polontech LLC. is registered in Poland, EU and all our IT experts, developers and engineers are based in this part of Central Europe which is well-know all over the world as area of strong IT companies and IT professionals. We have representative offices in California, USA and Moscow, Russia.
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Вакансії в Polontech

У цієї компанії на даний момент немає активних вакансій.

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