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  3. Робота і вакансії в Red Rocket Software в Україні

Red Rocket Software

 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 12 листопада 2024

Опис компанії

Red Rocket Software is an international IT software engineering company. Our main specialization is the full-cycle development of IT products, from their prototyping to support and maintenance.

We operate in such IT fields as UI/UX design, Mobile development, Web development, DevOps and maintenance, Business Consulting, Marketing and SMM. Every team member is a star in their subject area.

Red Rocket’s focus includes (but is not limited to) such business domains as FinTech and Banking, E-Commerce, Healthcare, IoT.

Our team is constantly growing, and we are always ready to welcome new experts aboard! Our goal is to create a comfortable workspace where everyone can express their talents.

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Вакансії в Red Rocket Software

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↑ Вгору