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  3. Робота і вакансії в rollApp в Дніпрі


 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 17 жовтня 2013

Опис компанії

rollApp Inc. is a fast-growing Silicon Valley -based company with R&D team located in Ukraine. The company is chartered to develop a technology that will allow to work with any existing software from any device with just a web browser: Windows software on iPad, iOS apps on Android, Mac programs on Windows, Windows apps on ChromeOS, etc. rollApp team includes some of the best experts on the planet, such as Bjarne Straustrup (the author of C++) and Bob Iannucci (former CTO from NOKIA). Established in 2010, rollApp Inc. is backed by prominent USA, UK and Russian venture investors.
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Вакансії в rollApp

У цієї компанії на даний момент немає активних вакансій.

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