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  3. Робота і вакансії в Segments в Львові


 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 8 квітня 2015

Опис компанії

The Segments Group is the head organisation of an international ecosystem of companies providing growth services to startups and corporate clients. The group consist of a tech-development company, an accelerator, a media house and an agency, specialised in strategy development, innovation and marketing. Our strategy is future oriented and our vision is to deveop, accelerate and support startups and corporate clients in their ambitions to grow through innovation and change. To deliver the most efficient and effective results Segments chose an ecosystem apporach where every part of the system is specialised within it‘s own field and is directly connected to the others. As a result the Group besomes more than the sum of the single parts. We strongly belive that great things happen only through collaboration and sharing of knowledge and ressources. Therefore we work mainly with open source technologies and see ourselves as part of a world community. Our network consists of likeminded individuals and companies of all sizes and locations. With our partners we maintain relationships build on trust and loyality. Segments employees are experts in their fields with the ambition and ability to deliver high quality results. We also support young and ambicious people who are ready to go the extra mile in order to grow personally as well as the projects and businesses they work on.
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