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  3. Робота і вакансії в Vakoms в Львові


 Заблокована Перевірено
На сайті з 9 січня 2015

Опис компанії

Vakoms embodies a big team of experienced programming developers who are involved in creation sophisticated applications for a vast range of businesses both abroad and within the country. It includes entertainment industry, medicine, education, medium and small companies. Vakoms specializes in the development of modern full-fledged cross-browser web sites, embedded applications for various platforms (ARM, AVR, PSoC ...) and operating systems (ThreadX, VxWorks, Embedded Linux and other), engineering systems based on SOAP and WCF services, Interior and architectural environment design. Therefore, we offer various services comprising Desktop Software Development, Network Programming, Embedded Dvelopment, Web-based Solutions, 2D/3D Graphics and Design.
Показати контакти

Вакансії в Vakoms

У цієї компанії на даний момент немає активних вакансій.

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↑ Вгору