Software and hardware developers
Smartwork Solutions GmbH developed SMASHDOC’s which is a cloud-based web application for real-time collaboration on documents. Instead of having different versions, SMASHDOC’s saves all the changes in one document and its possible to track and follow the changes for each section or paragraph. SMASHDOC’s shows who, when, and what has been changed to the document. In addition, the document can be worked on simultaneously with multiple users. With every login, SMASHDOC’s keeps the user personally informed and updated on what needs to be seen or reviewed. Every user can be assigned a different role. There are four roles to chose from, whether its the Editor who can make changes to the document or just the Reader who can review it, collaboration on One Document is very easy. SMASHDOC’s is a All-in-One solution for any company because its hosted on the serves at smartwork solutions GmbH and can be implemented as a Private-Cloud or a On-Premise-Installation for any computer center. The API is easily integrated with any web-based application, for example, social, content, file or sharing management system.
The company was founded in 2013 and is located in Munich.More information at
ДокладнішеКомпания SolarProfi является эксклюзивным представителем лучших мировых марок косметики для загара: “Australian Gold”, “Art of Sun”, “ Soleo” , “Supertan” и "California Tan". Оптовая и розничная торговля.
Дистрибьюция, производство.
ДокладнішеКомпания по изготовлению корпусной мебели.
ДокладнішеHR manager - онлайн школа англійської мови Skyenq
ДокладнішеХимические анализаторы, дизайн и производство.