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Пошук компанії на букву «V»

Сторінка 74 з 245
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    ViaCube is a global technology development company committed to delivering innovation. Our teams are comprised of people from a wide range of cultural, educational and geographic backgrounds - people who are passionate, driven and competitive, who are able to challenge conventional thought, offer unique perspectives and generate innovative ideas. The result is a portfolio of innovative Internet related products and suite of software and hardware applications designed to increase productivity and enhance the human experience. At ViaCube our mission is to enhance the human experience by increasing quality of life and productivity of businesses and individuals through the introduction and integration of technologies focusing on efficiency and communication resulting in more time to produce, more time to connect and more time to enjoy. With its history and expertise grounded in the infancy of the Internet, ViaCube has built a portfolio of innovative Internet related products and suite of software and hardware applications designed to traverse the electronic super highway and bridge the digital divide. Among ViaCube\'s latest achievements in its complex matrix of product offerings is OpusOS and its flagship software, ViaCube; products to meet the demands of an evolving social fabric. Passion, dedication and motivation with the drive and desire to build greatness describe our people. At ViaCube we believe that our people differentiate us in the marketplace and make ViaCube a great place to work. ViaCube is able to consistently deliver leading-edge solutions to the market by bringing together talented individuals in a creative, collaborative environment. At ViaCube, our work environment not only encourages and rewards individual contribution, but we demand and require contribution from every employee in every area of the company. We pride ourselves on our unique entrepreneurial business culture that drives our associates to perform their absolute best and has eliminated all barriers from individual success. We are always looking for exceptional and talented people to join our team. Therefore we would like to inform You about the opportunities that are available at ViaCube and give them a chance to start a career in our unique environment.
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    Опытные операторы произведут красивую цифровую постановочную видео-фотосъемку (1-2-3х камерная) и монтаж, с использованием новейших компьютерных технологий. Видеосъемка юбилеев, корпоративов, концертов, свадеб, поздравлений, праздников, дней рождения. Наложение музыки, эффектов, анимации, оцифровка видео. Запись на DVD, VHS. (044)331-82-40
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    Креативное Бюро: дизайн, полиграфические услуги, сувенирная продукция
  • VIP компанії в Україні:

    • Вакансии от «HAREM» Чоловічий клуб
    • Вакансии от СТО MotorHUB
    • Вакансии от ПП «Секюріті Корпорейшн»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «Золотий мандарин Квадра»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «Тайм Вікторі»
    • Вакансии от ЧП «Данило транс»
    • Вакансии от Швейный цех на Теремках
    • Вакансии от Вінницький обласний центр зайнятості
    • Вакансии от ТОВ"К.М. ГРУП"
    • Вакансии от Могильников Н.А., ФЛП
    • Вакансии от Оаза, спортивно-туристичний комплекс
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «СП Евротрейд»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «Техартбуд»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ Раут – автоматик
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    Versita is the Polish publishing house. We publish journals in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine etc. Since 2006 we are co-publishing partner of Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. The goal of the Springer / Versita partnership is to support the global dissemination of Central and Eastern European research results.
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    VoIP Solutions

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