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Каталог роботодавців в Львові

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    Web, IT, companies, outsourcing Докладніше
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    Телекомунікації. На ринку 7 років. Займається підключенням нових та консультацією діючих абонентів 'Домашній інтернет' компанії Київстар. Докладніше
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    холдинг Докладніше
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    АТК Creatida

    Реклама, маркетинг Докладніше
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    поліграфічне виробництво Докладніше
  • VIP компанії в Україні:

    • Вакансии от ПП «Секюріті Корпорейшн»
    • Вакансии от Цілісний майновий комплекс 103
    • Вакансии от TOOTSIE  CLUB
    • Вакансии от «HAREM» Чоловічий клуб
    • Вакансии от ЕКО-СІТІ
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «Золотий мандарин Квадра»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «Тайм Вікторі»
    • Вакансии от Компания « КРІСТАЛ КЛНІНГ»
    • Вакансии от Вінницький обласний центр зайнятості
    • Вакансии от Мережа фірмових магазинів взуття «MIDA»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «Інтерсервіс-К3»
    • Вакансии от ТОВ «СП Евротрейд»
    • Вакансии от MEAR
    • Вакансии от ПрАТ «ДБК-4»
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    ООО Фирма "Инкомпроект"

    многопрофильный холдинг Докладніше
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    AppFellas We are AppFellas, a young, innovative mobile solution development company based in Denmark, Holland and Ukraine. We are looking for developers familiar with the following fields - Android - iOS - Ruby on Rails / Javascript Докладніше
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    ПАТ "Укртелеком"

    Надання телекомунікаційних послуг Докладніше
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    SEVEN, компания

    'Information & Analytical Company' SEVEN – is the leading developer of wide range Premium class Internet Solutions We have more than 9 years of experience in web and mobile development, providing services for USA, Europe, Australia and Russia. We have a splendid reputation of high-quality service dealing with the business process automation, building SAAS, B2C, B2B applications, subject-oriented social networks, online shops, announcement boards, data portals, corporate websites as well as development of applications for operational systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etc. The most pivotal reason in why you should work with us is because we promote a friendly enviroment and an experienced team of young and resourceful people. The people who work in our company are computer techies that strive towards success and excellence and also young specialists that are pursuing their dream. Constantly being involved in complex projects, has allowed our employees to boost their professional level of experience and expertise, acquire new skills as well as augment them, and also learn new technologies along the way. We put a great emphasis on providing the right means for our employees to stretch and grow towards greatness.We offer the opportunity of career growth and comfortable accomodation for our workers: Competitive wage Career development Ability to learn new technologies Understanding employees needs Courses of English(speaking and grammar) for different levels Self-development trainings A proffusive amount of Tech Talks Team building and a lot of fun, etc. Now, we are growing swiftly, which is why we are engaging professionals and young specialists who are in the very beginning of their careers in IT to join our team. Skype: seven_hr E-mail: Докладніше
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    ПП Термоакустика

    Працевлаштування за кордном Докладніше
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