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Переводчик английских текстов

 13 лютого 2020  Місто: Одеса
Вік:52 роки
Режим роботи:віддалена робота
Рубрики: Наука, освіта, переклади
 Перебуваю в шлюбі 

Досвід роботи

Удаленное сотрудничество (Переводы)
08.2010 − По теперішній час (14 років 1 місяць)

Более 10 лет работы переводчиком. 8 лет учебы и работы в Англии и США. Обладатель Cambridge University Certificate of Proficiency in English – самый высокий уровень владения английским языком по Кэмриджской квалификации.

Специализация: юриспруденция, политика, ПОД/ФТ, бизнес, коммерция, деловая переписка,негосударственные организации, инвестиции, окружающая среда, туризм, образование, экономика, страхование, менеджмент, закупки, документы, розничная торговля и многое другое.


Westminster Collage
повна вища, 05.1995 − 03.1998 (2 роки 9 місяців)

Знання мов:

Англійська - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Знання комп'ютера, програм: Trados Studio
Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: 

I've been in the translation business for over 10 years, specializing exclusively in Russian>English translations. Throughout my career working for translation agencies in Russia and Ukraine, I've been instrumental - or downright pivotal - in winning translation services tenders for translation agencies in Russia and Ukraine, put out by the likes of the UN, IMF, Rosfinmonitoring, Oriflame, etc.

Outside my professional work, I'm an avid consumer of print media content, with unbridled passion for politics and everything capable of making the headlines. Among my favorite publications are The New York Times, The Guardian, Axios, The Atlantic, Bloomberg, Politico, and The Moscow Times, to name but a few.

I first developed my appetite for news back in 1997, when, as a student at Westminster Collage in London, I took a keen interest in independent media, forming a bond that has remained unbroken ever since.

Another one of my fortes is English, the mastery of which I ardently desired and achieved through the sheer force of my perseverance and hard work in just three years, ultimately becoming one of the first Ukrainian nationals to pass a Cambridge proficiency test back in the distant 1998 (see enclosed certificates).

Over the years, some of which were spent working in the U.S., I have made a conscious effort to improve and consolidate my skills, including the ability to WRITE original English-language content from scratch.

Needless to say, I'm more than familiar with punctuation rules applicable both to British and American English.

My other skills include touch typing (English/Russian), proofreading, copywriting, the ability to work to tight deadlines and do thorough research.

Мета пошуку роботи, побажання до місця роботи: Только удаленная работа. Сдельная оплата.

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