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  4. Резюме Database developer MS SQL в Києві
  5. Database developer MS SQL
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Database developer MS SQL

 22 січня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:42 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: DBMS Microsoft SQL Server - writing triggers, procedures, functions, scripts of any complexity (SQL, T-SQL); - SQL query performance optimization; - implementation of business logic and UI; - consultation of users; - development of system documents. - Sole trader Ryabokon (IT - разработка ПО) Programmer (2013 - 2014) Responsibilities and task: development of database of the enterprise ( DBMS Microsoft SQL Server); writing triggers, procedures, functions, scripts of any complexity (SQL, T-SQL); SQL query performance optimization; implementation of business logic and UI; consultation of users; development of system documents. - NSII Engineer (2012 - 2013) Responsibilities and task: development of a mathematical model cooling process of the process gas; development of the automatic control system of cooling of the process gas; implementation of the automatic control system of cooling of the process gas into the APCS. - Cherkassy State Technological University Lead engineer (2009 - 2012) Branch: Cathedra of computer and information technology in instrument engineering Responsibilities and task: organization of work of research and development laboratory; scientific research; organization of scientific presentations; compiling of the technical documentation; writing of research articles, compiling of patent applications. - «Orizon-Navigation» Engineer (2008) Branch: Department of aviation Instrumentation Responsibilities and task: analysis of the development of functional additions to satellite systems; designing of ground system of differential correction; testing of satellite receivers. - East European University of Economics and Management Engineer (2007) Responsibilities and task: Administration of networkCherkassy State Technological University (Post-graduate studies) Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D) 05.13.05 – «Computer systems and components»

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