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  1. Робота в Україні
  2. Резюме
  3. Резюме в Житомирі
  4. Резюме Driver of firm, chief assistant, office driver, personal driver, водитель в
  5. Driver of firm, chief assistant, office driver, personal driver, водитель
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Driver of firm, chief assistant, office driver, personal driver, водитель

500 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Житомир
Вік:54 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: Транспорт, автосервіс

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Competitor on position of driver of firm, chief assistant, office driver, personal driver 1969, married, 1 child, pension on qualifying of years driver license “B”, driving experience from 1987, good knowledge of Zhitomir city and area (11 years of the protracted business trips), good domain English (TOEFL 528 points, 1992), Advanced PC user. Secondary medical education. Diploma with a honor. Presently employed as a 3-class-driver at ATKP OLZ . Punctual. responsible, tactful, without harmful habits. I do not stick nose in stranger businesses. Experience: 10.04.2008-- this day--ATKP OLZ, a 3-class-driver; 01.04.2008-- this day-- retired on qualifying of years; 03.02.1997-- 31.03.2008-- Zhitomir Obl of Tuberculosis Dispensary, x-ray photography-laboratory assistant of movable fluorography (with 2004- movable digital fluorography and mammography), protracted business trips around area; 07.09.1995--31.01.97-- the Zhitomir city station of first-aid, nurse of departure brigade; 02.12.1994--31.08.1995-- AT BMT, Factory’s medical service chief; 29.07.1992--01.12.1994-- the Zhitomir city station of first-aid, nurse of departure brigade; 29.02.1992-- 29.07.1992-- Courses of CGFNS (Commission On Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools), Moscow; 01.04.1989-- 29.02.1992-- the Zhitomir city station of first-aid, nurse t of departure brigade; 11.12.1986-- 09.01.1989-- the Zhitomir city station of first-aid, hospital attendant of departure brigade;Education: 29.02.1992-- 29.07.1992-- Courses of CGFNS (Commission On Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools), Moscow, TOEFL-528 points; 1985-1989 –Zhitomir Nursing School, Nurse, diploma with honor; 1987- Driver license “B”.full information:

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