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  4. Резюме IOS developer в Києві
  5. IOS developer
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IOS developer

1 000 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:31 рік
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: - Knowledge of languages: Objective-C, C, SQL, Java, C#; - Knowledge of Foundation Kit, UIKit, Core Data, Core Animation, Core Graphics, sqlite3, FMDatabase, Map Kit, MKStoreKit - Knowledge of Object-oriented Programming and Design Patterns: MVC, singleton, abstract factory, factory method, observer, adapter, bridge, strategy, command, proxy; - Experience with XCode, git, SVN; Self 05.2012 – 09.2012 iOS developer Software for coin collectors Involved with design and implementation of software for coin collectors on the basis of design patterns: MVC, bridge, command, façade, observer; Used followings technologies and frameworks: UIKit, MKStoreKit, FMDatabase, GMGridView,etc; UOS (Kiev, 10.2011 – 05.2012 iOS developer Barcode recognition system Designed and implemented system for recognizing barcodes on the basis of design patterns: MVC, singleton, façade, adapter. Used followings technologies and frameworks: ZBar SDk, UIKit, Sqlite3, Google Data API. UOS (Kiev, ) 10.2009 - 06.2010 .NET developer Implemented client-server module on the basis of design patterns: proxy, façade, singleton, builder. Used the following technologies: .NET Remoting, ADO.NET, WinForms;2008-2014 National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, ACTS department, bachelor.

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