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Project Manager

 22 січня 2017  Місто: Дніпро
Вік:38 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: HTML/CSS, Java (elementary), Java Script (elementary), Redmine, Git, Corezoid. since 01.2016 PrivatBank Deputy Head of Department of Organizing External Sales • managing projects “Bank’s Day at the Enterprise” and “Bank’s Day at Institutions of Higher Education”; • implementation of business processes in the cloud system, writing JS code for data access; • managing communications with customers and employees: creation of maps for communications, preparation and sending mass messages, CRM; • creation of public services in the application “Sender” for getting information and monitoring efficiency of software system; • formation of dashboards for processes, creation of presentations and description of system functionality; Achievements: • implementedtheproject "Day of the Bank in Universities” for selling bank products to students; • configuredprocessesintheproject “DayoftheBankatEnterprises”, as a result the conversion of successfully held meetings increased three times (from 150 to 450 per month); • initiatedandcreatedserviceforobtainingdetailedon-line informationabout meetings/sales, which are actively used by over 4000 workers of the Bank at the moment; • increasedsalesofproductsoftheBank 4 times (from 600 to 2400 salespermonth) duetocoordinating the process of creating meetings, high-quality education and updating processes of forming offers; • initiatedandcreatedthesystemofelectronicreports: dash-boards on meetings/sales in the context of regional branches based on sql-scripts (over 5000 users); • configuredthesystemofpersonal notifications for stakeholders about results of meetings in projects: sms, app Sender, email. 05.2015 – 01.2016 PrivatBank Project manager • managing projects “Invoices”, “Unified System of Errors”and “SmartAPI”; • creation of templates of processes in the cloud system Corezoid in order to use public API of the Bank; • maintenance of the site, redesign, information updating; • consultation and help to clients considering the use of Bank public API; Achievements: • configuredescalationofallerrorsinservicePrivat24 (mobileandweb) for further correction –corrected 80% of technical errors; • developed templates of processes for all public API of the Bank in Corezoid • created and implemented algorithm of the business process for forming invoices in app Sender; 10.2011 - 11.2014 Contract with American Company (IT) Project Manager • management over site content, goods (adding new goods, categories, brands); • holding meetings, managing a team of managers; • creation of brand pages, landing pages, pop-up windows; • HTML and CSS coding for pop-up windows with additional information and video. Achievements: • completed more than 30 projects (up to 6 million products.) – from receiving a project file to uploading all products; • created and structured two new categories and three sub-categories for the site; • added more than 40 landing pages with information about products and more than 30 brand pages;09.2003 - 07.2008 Nikolayev State University named after Petro Mohyla Department: Computer Sciences Major: Intellectual Systems of Making Decisions

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