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QA engineering

200 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Харків
Вік:38 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Key information skills: theoretical knowledge of quality assurance • manual testing (regression testing, functional testing, UI testing, usability testing, localization testing, load/stress/performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing) • basic skills of writing bug reports, test cases, check lists • basic skill with the bug tracking systems • basic skills of web/mobile testing • understanding of the software development life cycle • understanding of the software testing techniques (equivalence partitioning, boundary values etc.) A great desire to do things that pleasure. To educate ourselves in the direction QA, Python. Learning English individually. I have a passion to testing and this process is interesting for me. When I use different software as a user and see defects I have a wish to make this applications better. So I like to analyze software and find bugs in (it requires creativity, attention to details that I think I have). That is why I want to become a participant of this process. My purposes are: to find friendly and goal-seeking team, where I be able to apply my skills and knowledges in interesting projects, gain experience in software testing and become a highly qualified specialist.Харьковский Техникум Железнодорожного Транспорта Специальность "Автоматизация систем СЦБ" Харьковский Национальный Университет Городского Хозяйства Специальность "Менеджмент организации городского хозяйства"Изучил книгу Романа Савина -" Тестирование dot com", На данный момент читаю Сэма Канера - "Тестирование ПО". Обучаюсь на курсе "Основы программирования на Python" от КПИ, также читаю Герберта Шилдта "Полное руковдоство по C#.

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