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  5. QA, IT specialist
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QA, IT specialist

500 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Запоріжжя
Вік:38 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Language skills: 1 . ) English. 2 . ) Russian. 3 . ) Ukrainian. Personal qualities: Responsibility, punctuality, aspiration to study of new technologies, flexible thinking, ability quickly to be implemented into course of activities, fast learnability. Eugene Katsilo 28 years old, Zaporozhye evgeniy.katsilo@gmail.соm 0639469246, 0612701151 Not married, children are not. Purposes: Receiving a position in IT sphere. Education: 2002-2006 - Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy: faculty of electronics and electronic technologies –Bachelor degree. Specialty: Electronic Systems 2006-2007 - Zaporozhye Institute of the Public and Municipal Administration: control faculty – Master degree. Specialty: Physical and biomedical electronics Experience: 2007 - 2012 Construction holding “Constanta”. http://www .constanta.zp.uа Software engineer, system administrator. Introduction network infrastructure of the company, organization IT functionality, technical support, full introduction 1C 8.1. (Short description) 2012 – 2013 Outsourcing: IT – Company Marka, IT – Company Admanage SA. 1 . ) IT – Company "Marka" http://www.marka.nеt.uа/ QA Engineer (Quality Assurance Engineer). Work in testing sphere, quality assurance and maintenance projects. Portfolio from 4 projects: 1.Adlux (Personal Media Device) – A personal multifunctional multimedia application basis on Android 4.03 for tablet PCs Samsung Galaxy TAB 2. 2.RestStep – Swiss global banking system for accounts/payments. 3.Net Solutions – Web system for operations with documents/forms basis on Web – interface. 4.Swiss TV – Swiss television basis on web platform. Fulfilled duties: - Manual/automatic (Selenium) applications testing. - Writing TC (Test - Cases), creation the test — protocols. - Work with documentation (SRS), writing documentation on English language. - Management(bug-tracking) all processes in Microsoft Visual Studio (operation with bugs, tasks, fixes, deployment (Publish) of applications, etc.). - Mockup creations. - Work with customers. 2 . ) IT – Company "Admanage SA" http://www.admanage.соm/ QA Engineer (Quality Assurance Engineer). Work in testing sphere, quality assurance and maintenance of sites. Fulfilled duties: - Testing sites for bugs, compliance to standards, compilation detailed reports by received results of testing. - Work with developers and customers of sites. - Testing sites for "Failed links" through application Fiddler. - Team bug-tracking on Assembla. - Operations with the virtual machines and remote desktops. Language skills: 1 . ) English. 2 . ) Russian. 3 . ) Ukrainian. Personal qualities: Responsibility, punctuality, aspiration to study of new technologies, flexible thinking, ability quickly to be implemented into course of activities, fast learnability.

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