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  4. Резюме Sales-менеджер в Києві
  5. Sales-менеджер
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Professional resumeПрофесійне резюме, в якому вказані: ел.пошта, телефон, зарплатня, досвід роботи, освіта та інша важлива інформаціяSales-менеджер

53 000 грн.
 10 лютого 2020  Місто: Київ
Вік:35 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, віддалена робота, плаваючий графік роботи
Рубрики: Офісний персонал; Торгівля, продажі, закупівлі
Готова до відряджень

Досвід роботи

Business Relationship Manager
Web-Peppers (IT outsourcing, outstaffing, recruitment), Київ
03.2016 − По теперішній час (8 років 6 місяців)

Experienced IT sales manager (over 4 years in B2B, B2C - USA, EU markets) is looking for a position at a highly growing company (office or remotely).

I have a successful experience in building business relationships from little or nothing, selling outsourcing, outstaffing and recruitment services, full sales cycle.


Sell IT Outsourcing:

  • Researching new sales opportunities within the existing portfolio and identifying of the new potential customers, partners within the allocated sales area.
  • Researching for key people inside potential customers company to establish a relationship.
  • Identification of client's needs.
  • Providing customers and potential customers with information about company services.
  • Preparing business offers.
  • Negotiating with clients regarding price, deadlines, agreement conditions.
  • Preparing invoices.
  • Controlling the process of payments from clients.
  • Collaborating closely with the project management team to determine requirements for proposals, ensuring projects stay within budget and allocated time frame.
  • Monitoring customers feedback.
  • Proactively helping to resolve issues with clients, partners.
  • Developing strong relationships with strategic new customers so that they are positive towards the company as a strategic partner.
  • Actively updating and using the CRM system with new sales opportunities and track all opportunities inside that system.

Sell IT outstaffing:

  • Researching companies and identifying new potential customers who already use outstaffing services or might be interested in it.
  • Studying client's company profiles, open vacancies etc. to identificate explicit or hidden needs.
  • Preparing relevant information regarding outstaffing services.
  • Contacting the responsible person to start negotiations, identify needs and receive requests.
  • Negotiating with clients regarding rates/salaries of developers, projects start date, project duration, work schedule, agreement conditions, payment terms etc.
  • Working closely with the HR department to provide candidates that exactly match clients' requests.
  • Setting up interviews for candidates, monitoring customers feedback.
  • Monitoring cooperation process between clients and developers to prevent conflict situations, misunderstanding.
  • Taking care of all issues regarding payments from clients.
  • Developing strong relationships with customers and extending possibilities of mutual cooperation.

Sell IT recruitment:

  • Researching potential clients who use recruitment services or might be interested in it.
  • Studying requirements, preparing relevant information regarding recruitment services.
  • Contacting responsible person to start negotiations, agree on the bonus for providing recruitment services and agreement conditions of further cooperation.
  • Working closely with Recruitment department to provide clients with a quick feedback that includes deadlines, when first CVs will be sent for consideration, average cost of developers with required skills.
  • Setting up interviews for candidates, monitoring customers feedback.
  • Settlement of the payment issues from clients.
  • Extending partnership, exploring new possibilities for cooperation.


Classical private university (CPU)  (Запоріжжя)
Marketing (Economics)
повна вища, 09.2006 − 07.2010 (3 роки 9 місяців)

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