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  4. Резюме Senior software developer в Києві
  5. Senior software developer
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Senior software developer

2 000 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:52 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Development of C/C++ software. Development of embedded, real-time and digital signal processing systems. UNIX-like-OS device drivers. Unix/Windows IPC. Languages: C,C++, Assembler (ARM9/11/A9, TMS320C5x, x86), Java, Pascal, Fortran, PHP, TCL. Kernels: RTXC, QNX 6, TMS DSP/BIOS, OnTime RTOS, uC/OS-II. Hardware: PC, TMS320C54x, ARM9T/11J/A9, M16C, Intel Dialogic, Motorola MC68VZ328 (Dragonball), Advantech PC-Lab, Digium. Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP, Linux, QNX 6.x, DOS. Tools: ARM RVDS, GCC, CVS, MS Visual C++, SourceSafe, TMS Code Composer Studio 1.2, Borland C++, Borland C++ Builder, MatLab 6.5, GNU make. Company: Mindspeed Tech., Ukraine/USA. (, office in Kiev From: 04/2007 to now Position: Firmware Engineer Duties: Maintenance of a firmware code, new features development. Porting firmware to the new chips/boards. Ethernet driver development. Comcerto devices provide complete low-cost/high-value VoIP media and control processing between narrowband TDM and Ethernet, allowing inexpensive POTS termination systems to be built on an Ethernet/LAN-based architecture. The device contains two Comcerto signalling processors (ARM9/ARM11 SoC) and a lot of telecom periphery. It uses modified RTXC kernel (cooperative multitasking). The area of application: POTS termination systems, VIOP gataways etc. Porting the firmware to the new ARM Cortex A9 platform containing 6 ARM A9 processors, 10 CEVA DSPs and a lot of periphery H/W. Adding video featurs to the old VOIP code - HD,SD video transcoding, mixing, codecs H.263, MPEG4 part 2, H.264. Language: C Protocols: IP,UDP,RTP. Development Tools: ARM Software Development Toolkit (SDT 2.5), RealView Development Suite (RVDS 2.1, 4), CVS, Bugzilla. OS/Kernels: Modified RTXC real-time kernel. Hardware: Comcerto 500/300 Integrated VoIP Processing Devices (Control & Signalling Processors with ARM9T, ARM11J and A9 cores). Company: VoiceTelcom, Ukraine/USA. (, office in Kiev From: 01/2005 to 03/2007 Position: Software Developer Duties: Consultant/developer of a system based on the Asterisk VIOP platform. (Asterisk@Home 2.5, Asterisk 1.2.4). Developement of an Asterisk functions/appliacations, for example: - integration with NSC Speech Recognition Engine (Natural Speech Communication Ltd.; - remote DB integration (ODBTP library; Fixing of defects/improvement in Asterisk ver. 1.2.4. I developed/mantained Interactive Voice Responce System which run on Windows 2000 platform. I was using Intel Dialogic hardware. I developed a SMS server for the delivering of SMS messages to GSM abonents It was integrated into the IVR system. I have an understanding of such protocols: TCP/IP, RTP, SIP, SDP, IAX2. Language: C, C++, PHP 4. Protocols: RTP, SIP, SDP, IAX2. Development Tools: GCC 3.4.4, CVS, VC++ OS Platform: CentOS 4, Fedora 4, Windows. Hardware: Digium TDM400p, TE2XXP, NSC SpeechBlade-2, Intel Dialogic D/40 boards, GSM Terminal. Company: RTS-Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. From: 04/2004 - 12/2004 Position: Software Developer Duties: I was developing a SCADA software, I used C, Java, C++, QNX 6, Photon. I also developed QNX device drivers for this SCADA software. Language: C/C++, Java Development Tools: GCC 2.95.3/3.2.2, CVS OS Platform: QNX 6.2, Linux Hardware: PC, Advantech PCL-818L. Company: ADMS Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. From: 06/2003 to 03/2004 Position: Software Developer Duties: Shipborne AIS1994, Dneporpetrovsk State University, Master degree in Physics.

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