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  4. Робота Логист международник в Києві
  5. Логист международник
Відправити резюме

Логист международник

40 000 грн.
 28 травня 2024  Київ 
Компанія: Minmaxdeals LLC  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Торгівля, продажі, закупівлі; Логістика, доставка, склад


Телефон: +1(424)222-9755
Контактна особа:HR manager

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:не має значення
Досвід роботи:обов'язковий
Графік роботи:віддалена робота

Опис вакансії

About the Company:

MinMaxDeals is a wholesale distributor of branded cosmetics for e-commerce businesses.

MinMaxDeals has been trading since January 2019 as a highly reputable, trusted, and reliable wholesale distributor of Luxury Brands in the world of cosmetics, makeup, and fragrances in the United States and International markets. We supply to high-profile Chain Stores, Department Stores, Wholesalers, Perfume Chain Stores, and major e-commerce traders and export to the rest of the world.

Our team is looking for a Logistics Department Administrator

Join us as a Logistics Department Administrator to lead our logistics operations, ensuring efficient order delivery in line with legal and company standards. Your role involves streamlining supply chains, negotiating with logistics partners, and supporting sales and customs processes.


  • Negotiate and coordinate with customs brokers, transportation companies, forwarders, and carriers to ensure optimal rates, transit times, and compliance with customs regulations.

  • Organize import/export shipments, prepare the necessary documentation, and ensure timely, secure, and complete delivery of orders.

  • Develop and optimize supply chains, consolidate shipping rates, and provide shipping quotes.

  • Manage daily logistics activities, including tracking shipments, preparing shipping documents, and resolving issues with logistics service providers.

  • Supervise and coordinate the work of department employees, ensuring proper performance and compliance with company policies.

  • Develop and maintain comprehensive job descriptions and instructions for the logistics department.

  • Prepare regular internal reports and participate in strategic planning to improve logistics processes.

Work conditions:

  • 40h/week

  • Mixed schedule (different time zones)



  • Advanced degrees or certifications preferred.

  • Minimum 3 years of experience in logistics or supply chain management

  • Strong English skills (writing, communicating)

  • Proficiency in logistics management software

  • Strong knowledge of import/export regulations, customs procedures, and international shipping.

  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills.

  • You have demonstrated ability to lead and supervise a team, with strong organizational and time management skills.

  • Attention to detail and strong analytical and critical thinking abilities.

Why Join MinMaxDeals LLC?

Competitive and Steady Salary: At MinMaxDeals, we value our employees' hard work and dedication. We offer a competitive and steady salary, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind for our team members.

Global Exposure: Being an international company, we provide a unique opportunity to engage with diverse markets and cultures.

Rich Learning Experience: Working with us, you’ll gain invaluable experience across various facets of the trading industry, from logistics and supply chain management to customer relations and international compliance. This wealth of knowledge will accelerate your career growth.

Industry Leadership: As one of the top 10 wholesalers in the USA, our reputation for excellence precedes us.
Please fill out the form in order to apply for this position


Шановні кандидати, звертаємо вашу увагу на платні номери телефонів з кодом 070 (700), 090 (900), а також на прямі короткі мобільні номери. Вартість хвилини розмови з таким номером може становити до 60 грн. Якщо Ви подзвонили за номером телефону вказаному в вакансії, а автовідповідач або людина що відповіла пропонує передзвонити на номер з таким кодом — переконливе прохання, не дзвоніть, щоб не стати жертвою телефонного обману!

Крім того, просимо вас остерігатися вакансій, де потрібне внесення заставної суми або страхового внеску. Пам'ятайте! Будь-яке вкладення коштів, яке потрібно від здобувача, в 90% випадків є шахрайством!

У разі виявлення подібної вакансії натисніть, будь ласка, на кнопку «Скарга», яка знаходиться під текстом кожної вакансії.

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