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  4. Робота Product manager в Києві
  5. Product manager
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Product manager

 27 грудня 2018  Київ 
Компанія: MAS Seeds, компания  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Торгівля, продажі, закупівлі; Реклама, маркетинг, PR; Сільське господарство, агробізнес

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:повна вища
Досвід роботи:від двох років

Опис вакансії

Maїsadour Semences занимается селекцией и продажей семян кукурузы, подсолнечника и рапса. Торговая марка представлена более чем в 35 странах Европы, в том числе и странах средиземноморского бассейна, где является одним из основных производителей семян кукурузы.

Maїsadour Semences Ukraine. В 2010 году с. Могилев, Днепропетровской области был построен самый современный комплекс по производству семян в Европе. В 2014 году компания открыла вторую очередь сельскохозяйственного комплекса по производству и хранению семян кукурузы, подсолнечника и рапса. Производственные мощности завода увеличены вдвое.

В связи с расширением штата Maїsadour Semences Ukraine Product manager в г.Киев (Борисполь).


Marketing of Products

Product Manager consolidates internal data (results about products, satisfaction of clients) and external data (panels, analysis of competitors) concerning the products.

He is responsible for the order and division of samples.

He supervises the following up of hybrids in the field during all the campaign.

He assures entering of the information in the Réseau Référence. He analyses the data to form the consolidated synthesis (according to the priority: book Profarm, presentations PPT hybrids, specific presentations for clients).

Product manager is responsible for the (continuous) preparation and the providing of the information about products (technique and positioning) – for the commercial team.

He is responsible for the preparation of the technical information for the support of the products and namely:

  • - Technical documents
  • - Catalog
  • - Book Profarm
  • - Presentations Power Point on hybrids

He works closely with his N+1 and the responsible of the Market who implements all the assortment of hybrids in the territory of Business Unit.

They work together at :

  • - Application and adaptation of the strategy for the assortment and products among commercial teams
  • - Training on products for commercial teams
  • - Adaptation of the tool for marketing products, their improvement and enrichment to respond to the market and local needs

Marketing Customers

Product Manager supports the rest of the Marketing team in the implementation of the operational action and namely: Precosem, Mas’Pilot, Technosol, Nutriplus, Agroplus :

  • - Technical support
  • - Animation

He works closely with the Operational marketing manager.

They assure the coherence between the promotion of services and promotion of products.

He is implicated in the work with key account clients under the responsibility of Responsible Marketing (and BUM).

Marketing of Training

Product Manager uses the support of BU MK Manager in the definition of the Plan of training and coaching for products, their implementation.

He co-organizes the sessions of training for products and agronomy, and works closely with Responsible Mk Products and Training of Group. They share the organization of meetings and training of team on products.

He assures the training of newcomers on Products and the continuous training of personnel on products and agronomy.

He assures the evaluation and the monitoring (coaching) of teams on products in collaboration with BU MK Manager.

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