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  4. Резюме Civil engineer, Design Engineer, Construction supervisor в
  5. Civil engineer, Design Engineer, Construction supervisor
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Civil engineer, Design Engineer, Construction supervisor

 22 січня 2017  Місто: Донецьк
Вік:45 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: Будівництво, архітектура

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Civil Engineering Skills; • Experience of onshore civil/structural design management and execution. • Ability to produce technical specifications. • Producing construction methodologies. • Health and Safety awareness. Personal Skills; • Ability to understand and present others' points of view. • Skilled at analysing and interpreting information. • Good communication skills when dealing with clients, developers, consultants, elected representatives and the public. • Having clarity and sound judgment. • Creative and innovative, with good design skills. • Proven motivational and leadership skills. Professional Experience 04- 2007 / 07 - 2012 Construction Supervisor/ Site Manager Sena Engineering Architecture Ltd. (Award Winner company 2010 Best Architecture by Suncityvillas Aqua Project) Kushadasi, Turkey Responsibilities: - Conducting the control and the planning of the works of Suncityvillas 3, Suncityvillas Aqua and Sena Residence projects 04 - 2006 / 03 - 2007 Design and Planning Engineer National Defense Ministry, Water Works Dept. Ankara, Turkey Responsibilities: - Determination and design of water demands of military units, water supply planning 12 - 2005 / 03 - 2006 Control Engineer / Design Engineer Adapazari Municipality Adapazari, Turkey Responsibilities: - Controlling of the projects, in-situ examinations.2003 - 2005 Master of Science (MS) in Civil Engineering Middle East Technical University (METU), 06531 Ankara, Turkey Institute: Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Department of Water Resources Management and Hydraulics C.GPA: 3.37/4.00 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Metin Ger, Instructor and Researcher Co-Supervisor: Asst. Dr. Sahnaz Tigrek, Instructor and Researcher Dissertation Title: Discharge Predictions Using Artificial Neural Net-works (ANN) in Sloping Rectangular Channels with Free Overfall. Courses Taken: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Hydrau-lics, Flow Transient in Closed Conduits, Sediment Transport, Bridge Hydraulics, River Hydraulics, Coastal Engineering 1997 - 2002 Bachelor of Science (BS) in Civil Engineering, Gazi University,(Eti M Yükseliş S No: 5 Maltepe) Ankara, Turkey C.GPA: 2.75/4.00 Courses Taken: Transportation Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Engineering, Fundamental Engineering. Material Science, Water Resources Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Hydrome-chanics, Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals, Reinforced Concrete System Design, Engineering Hydrology, Engineering & Management, and Engineering Economics

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