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  5. Администратор, асссистент (в клинику)
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Администратор, асссистент (в клинику)

7 000 грн.
 22 січня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:30 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: Краса та SPA-послуги

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Languages Ukrainian, Russian – native language English – fluent Italian - conversational Organizational skills: attention to detail, easy to find common language with people, experience with managing and leading groups of people. Communication skills: public speaking, sympathetic, fond of psychology, relationships between people, negotiating techniques. Computer Skills : MS Office, Labfolder, ImageJ (Coloc2), Serial Cloner 2.1, CaspLab, PerlPrimer, Python. Interests: engaged in business, fashion, dancing, photography, volleyball (played in highschool and University teams), tennis, ping-pong, travelling, psychology, writing poetry. 2015, Oct – 2016, Apr Assistant to the CEO of the transport company “UATRANS-GROUP”: HR, brand development strategy, producer clips, copywriting, negotiation, supervision of the team. 2016, Jan–Feb Co-organizer at “DeepTalk” of two events designed for 50 participants and 8 speakers. Established discussion topics, found 4 speakers, photographer, designer, some participants, and was also responsible for copywriting and information gathering for the PR. 2015, Oct–Dec Event-manager at “DreamLife”. Organized a business trip to Kosice (Slovakia) for a group of 9 people: planned trip schedule, agreed for the transfer, consulted about obtaining a Schengen visa, coordinated participants during the entire 3-day trip. 2015, Jun–Jul PR-manager in “CIS Events Group”: Filled the base of possible advertising partners from more than 10 cities in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. In the end provided about 15 partners for IT events. 2015, Sep – 2016, May Coordinator of foreign guests at the “Mercedes Benz Fashion Days”: accompanied photographers from Vogue Italy throughout the event. 2015, Sep – 2016, Apr Technician II category in the research project "Center of molecular and cellular studies at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". Captured by such methods as: SOP development, preparation of reports, Comet Essay method and software, maintaining K562 cell line. 2015, Oct – 2016, May Laboratory assistant at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Captured by such methods as: planning, working with fluorescent microscope, image processing and analysis on ImageJ (Coloc2) software, quantitative analysis of colocalization. 2012, Nov – 2016, May Laboratory assistant at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics: Engaged in the analysis and structuring of data taken from English sources of scientific articles for writing a thesis. Involved in methods such as cell transformation, culturing, electrophoresis, DNA-extraction, ligation, transfection, seeding cells, restriction, Serial Cloner 2.1 software, working with Escherichia coli and 293T cell line.2014-2016 National university of Kyiv-Mohyla academy – NaUKMA Master’s degree in Laboratory diagnostics of biological systems o Thesis: “Role of endocytosis in molecular pathogenesis BCR/ABL positive myeloproliferative disorders”. Created construction for the eukaryotic expression and identified possible colocalization of PH domain and tubulin, PH domain and clathrin. (Grade: 100/100 – publishable) 2010-2014 National university of Kyiv-Mohyla academy – NaUKMA Bachelor’s degree in Biology o Thesis: “Deriving genetic constructs for the eukaryotic expression of β-tubulin, cortactin and PH-domain”. Created constructs of beta-tubulin, cortactin, and PH domain of Bcr-Abl protein. These three proteins were expressing in Human Embryonic Kidney 293 cells - HEK293T. (Grade: 91/100) 2007-2010 Lviv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum attached to Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Focus on Chemistry and Biology2012, Nov –2013, June Alumni-sponsored project “PROFI+”: Student’s adaptation to the modern labor market. A mutual project of the NaUKMA and the NaUKMA Alumni Association, which consists of 10 modules and 3 workshops focused on developing student’s soft skills: -Modules: Project management, career and personal development, negotiation, effective presentation, communication, time-management, decision-making and problem solving, team-building, creative skills and innovation, personal branding. -Coaches from: NAU Consulting, Microsoft, Google, Nissan Motor Ukraine, Center for Business Skills Development, Kyiv Institute of Training, CEO of Talent4Business, KMBS (Kyiv-Mohyla Business School).

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