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  4. Резюме ASP.NET Web Developer в Києві
  5. ASP.NET Web Developer
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ASP.NET Web Developer

 15 травня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:39 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Телекомунікація та зв'язок

Досвід роботи


середня,  −

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Stack technology: Last project - ASP.NET MVC 5 - ASP.NET WebForms - OOP, C# (.Net) - Linq to sql, Entity Framework. - LInq, SQL - Web APi 2 - Pattern. - HTMl, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Devexpress. - TFS, SVN - IIS - Work in team.

Krakovsky Vyacheslav.

Position: ASP.NET MVC full stack Developer

Tel: +38 097 1998777


English: intermediate (free speak on English)


Address: Kiev, Solomenskiy district

Date of Birth: 1.08.1985 (31 years)

English: free


Last project

- ASP.NET MVC 4-5 (4 years’ experience)

- Free English

- ASP.NET WebForms

- - OOP, C# (.Net)

- Linq to sql, Entity Framework, SQL, MS SQL server, management studio.

- Web APi 2

- Bootstrap

- HTMl 5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Devexpress, Angular (elementary).

- TFS, Azure, SVN, Git


- Patterns.

- Work in team.

06.2014 – present time

last project

Work at software development department ERC Company.

Specialization: full stack ASP.NET MVC 5 Developer (spent time: 50% front-end, 50% back-end).

1) Create cloud healthcare platform from beginning:

Part of code on GitHub:

Task on MVC 5 (my work experience):

- work, with front-end: View, layout, js schedule, bootstrap template, adaptive for mobile - MVC 5, html 5, css, java script, jquery, bootstrap, ajax, angular.

- work, with back-end: controller, ms server 2014, entity - work with (HttpContext: Items, Application, Session, Cache); model (create, update,use filter); entity (connect db, linq to entity), web api 2 authorization (identity), bundles, JqGrid, TFS, scrum.

System include functional for doctor.

2) Create functional for management system for manager.

Task on MVC 5 (my work experience):

- work, with front end: View, layout, template - MVC 5, html 5, css, java script, jquery, bootstrap, ajax, angular(elementary).

- work, with backend: controller, ms server, entity - work with (HttpContext: Items, Application, Session, Cache); model (create, update, change model, use filter); entity (connect db, linq to entity), web api 2 (values, json ), bundles, JqGrid, SVN

Place in company: IT department.

Place in command: Full stack developer.

01.2013 – 06.2014

Work at outsourcing for USA dental company.

Specialization: ASP.NET MVC full stack and web forms Developer, create functional for medical clinic system. System include functional for administrator (CRM system) and doctors.

Place in company: outsourcing team.

Place in command: Frontend and backend development.

Task on MVC 4 (my work experience):

- work, with front end: html, css, bootstrap, layout, view, ajax .

- work, with backend: controller, entity.

Task on ASP.NET WebForms (my work experience):

- work, with front end: standard control, html. Css, java script, jq.

- Backend: work with method page,, linq to sql, storage procedure. TFS, IIS

02.2010 – 10.2012

Company Ukrtelecom:

Specialist software support and development services "Ukrtelecom".


2004–2009 Profession: Engineer - programmer

Higher education: the specialist

National Aviation University, Faculty - "Computer ScEducation:

University National Aviation University

Faculty Computer Science

Specialization Software Engineering


programming courses CyberBionic Systematics

Specialization Web Backend Developer of Completion Technology: C #,, sql, javascrip, Jquery, html CSS, etc…


University Industrial - Economic College of Aviation University

Faculty Support of computers

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