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  5. Embedded developer
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Embedded developer

 20 травня 2020  Місто: Львів
Вік:24 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, віддалена робота, плаваючий графік роботи
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Виробництво
Готовий до відряджень



  • Embedded software development experience (C, C++, Assembly) for 8-bit MCUs (In-system programming and debugging)
  • Deep knowledge in microcontroller architecture (registers, ports, timers, interrupt routines, memory)
  • Software implementation of communication interfaces: Modbus, SPI, UART, I2C, CANopen (Extensive experience)
  • Experience in FPGA (Xilinx) programming (VHDL, Verilog)
  • Strong understanding of analog and digital circuits.
  • Digital circuit design.
  • Ability to 'read' circuit diagrams
  • Experienced user of lab equipment (DMMs, oscilloscopes, function generators, etc).
  • Decent soldering skills
  • Experience in PCB routing


Embedded software developer & electrical engineer ANATOL

  • Programming bare-metal application specific PLCs (Programmable logic controllers). Language: C/C++.
  • Programming HMIs (Human-Machine Interfaces).
  • Software and hardware development for industrial automotive applications.
  • Configuring other industrial grade equipment (Variable frequency drives, Temperature controllers, etc. ).
  • Precise motion control (servo drives).
  • Creating electrical diagrams for screen printing machines

Automation Engineer (FAVORYT AM)

Designing industrial test equipment (hardware + software).

  • Design and repair of CNC plasma cutting machines and other industrial grade equipment.
  • Industrial process automation.
  • Creating electrical diagrams.

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