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  4. Резюме Junior clojure developer в Києві
  5. Junior clojure developer
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Junior clojure developer

15 000 грн.
  3 лютого 2020  Місто: Київ
Вік:34 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, віддалена робота, разова робота
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці


Work experience —5 years 6 months

February 2018 — May 2018
4 months

Райффайзен Банк Аваль

Kyiv, aval_ua



January 2016 — November 2016
11 months


Ukraine, luxoft_com

Java developer

crm systems development for lifecell (Xml, bpm, groovy, bpel, axis, apache activity)

September 2015 — January 2016
5 months


Ukraine, miratechgroup_com

Java developer

- healthcare domain web application development: GWT, GWTP, Gin, Guice, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, Jetty 7, Jenkins
- bug fixing
- new features development
- testing (Junit, mockito, jukito)

September 2012 — August 2015
3 years


Kyiv, kyivstar_ua

Java developer

- new applications development for web and telecommunication domains.
- deployment on linux, solaris.
- mobile oriented web applications development (spring mvc, thymeleaf, twitter bootstrap, jsf primefaces).
- development of SOAP and REST (xml, json) web-services (spring mvc, jaxb, jackson, jersey, axis, cxf). automatic documentation (swagger, wadl).
- development of clients for SOAP and REST (xml, json) web-services (axis, cxf, httpclient, jaxb, jackson).
- backend development (spring beans, jdbc, hibernate, ejb).
- distributed and clustered applications development (hazelcast, teracotta, nginx, akka, jms).
- unit and integration testing (junit, selenium, mockito, Apache JMeter).

October 2011 — September 2012
1 year

ДП "Держінформресурс"

Kyiv, dir_gov_ua/

Java developer

- desktop applications development (swing, javamail, xml, hibernate).
- mobile first web applications development (jsf, primefaces).
- unit and integration testing (junit, selenium).

Interested in clojure as a hobby (no commercial experience).
code examples: - swing + jna
github_com/jbtwh/radioproxy - web-app
github_com/jbtwh/yt2audio - web-app
github_com/jbtwh/jfishbot - jna
github_com/jbtwh/splts - task i did as a part of job interview
github_com/jbtwh/reactest - simple crud web-app_ ring + h2 + react
github_com/jbtwh/reagentest - simple crud web-app_ ring + h2 + clojurescript + reagent
github_com/jbtwh/shadertest - clojurescript_ webgl (threejs)
github_com/jbtwh/filtertest - task i did as a part of job interview_ web-app, kafka

Commercial expirience with: spring: beans, mvc, security; jpa (hibernate), jdbc, mongo, hazelcast, terracotta, akka, jaxb, jackson netty, jms (hornetq), stax, junit, swing; ant, maven, sbt; logback, log4j; cxf, axis; jsf; html, js (jQuery), twitter bootstrap, Jboss, Tomcat, Jetty. PaaS: Heroku; jira, svn, git

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