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  4. Резюме Junior Frontend Developer в Києві
  5. Junior Frontend Developer
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Junior Frontend Developer

8 500 грн.
 28 березня 2017  Місто: Київ
Вік:34 роки
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці

Досвід роботи

Project part-owner
Internet - shop
04.2016 − 03.2017 (10 місяців)
Developing internet-shop strategy, Developing financial platform, Development business processes for project, Logistics development, Development trade matrix, Development web interfaces (teamwork with using HTML5, CSS3, SASS preprocessor, Gulp build system), Functional testing, Work to improve site usability, Launch of the project
Limited Liability Company
04.2013 − 02.2016 (2 роки 10 місяців)
Organization of production all kinds of works on maintenance and repair of vehicles (subordinate to 20 pers.), Development of the business processes of companies with business growth and new customer requirements, Determining the size of current assets, to ensure smooth operation of the service, Planning the budget expenditures, Development and introduction of motivating systems of subordinate employees, Ensuring compliance with labor discipline, cleanliness and order in the workplace, Implementation of a systematic monitoring of quality of service.
County Court bailiffs
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
07.2007 − 03.2017 (9 років 7 місяців)
Seize and sell goods to recover the amount of the debt, Serve court documents and effect and supervise the possession of property and the return of goods under hire purchase agreements, Execute arrest warrants to secure attendance to court or committal proceedings, Resolution solutions of ban travels outside countrie, Resolution solutions of ban passport issuance, Resolution solutions of ban disposition property


GoIT International Academy
Frontend Developer
не має значення, 05.2016 − 10.2016 (5 місяців)
Academy of Municipal Administration
повна вища, 09.2001 − 06.2006 (4 роки 9 місяців)

Знання мов:

Ukrainian - Професійний (експерт), Russian - Професійний (експерт), English - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Courses: Gulp basics course, React JS basics course, English - National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

Technical skills:

- Good skills JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX;
- Good skills HTML/HTML5, CSS3;
- Responsive / Adaptive layout;
- Cross browsers and valid html design (with support of IE 8+);

- Build system Gulp/Grunt, preprocessor SASS;

- Theoretical knowledge React JS;
- Basic level WordPress:
- Good skills Adobe Photoshop graphic redactor.

Soft skills:
- Strong organization, time management, and cross-department communication skills;
- Able to meet deadlines and work under pressure;
- Strong negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution skills;
- Keep on learning new technologies and improving existing knowledge and skills;
- Follow all innovations in web, digital and related domains;
- Excellent traditional art painting and drawing skills;
- Self-disciplined and proactive approach to work.

Мета пошуку роботи, побажання до місця роботи: I'm seeking a company where I can use my experience and education to help the company meet and surpass its goals. I want to work with professional team for achievement high results and create digital magic to elevate user experience to the next level and

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