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 27 листопада 2018  Місто: Словаччина
Вік:27 років
Режим роботи:віддалена робота
Рубрики: Офісний персонал; Реклама, маркетинг, PR; ЗМІ, TV, Радіо

Досвід роботи


повна вища,  −

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: 

Curriculum vitae


Tajovskeho 51, 97401 Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)

Sex Male | Date of birth 06/02/1997 | Nationality Ukrainian

WORK EXPERIENCE 23/07/2017–14/09/2017 Manager Penn Valley Shows, Pittsburgh (United States)

07/06/2017–21/07/2017 Storage Consultant Eagles Beachwear, Mytrle Beach (United States)

09/01/2017–31/05/2017 Cook KFC, Banska Bystrica (Slovakia)

04/01/2016–07/02/2016 Baker Kviten AO, Dnipro (Ukraine) -Making cakes and cookies

01/06/2015–31/08/2015 Archivist National History Museum, Dnipro (Ukraine) Archivist, sorting and restructuring dokuments about all monuments and archeology struktures in Dnipro's region, Ukraine starting from 16's century till nowadays. Was Leader of the group of 4 people.



Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Banska Bystrica (Slovakia) Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations

01/09/2014–31/05/201 EQF level 5 Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro (Ukraine) Faculty of History

01/09/2012–31/05/2014 Complete secondary education Chemical and Environmental Lyceum, Dnipro (Ukraine)

01/09/2010–31/05/2012 Incomplete secondary education Dniprovsky Lyceum of Information Technologies, Dnipro (Ukraine)

01/09/2007–31/05/2010 Primary School №35, Dnipro (Ukraine)

01/09/2003–31/05/2007 Primary School №355, Dnipro (Ukraine)


Mother tongue(s) Russian, Ukrainian

Other language(s) English C1 / Slovak C1

Communication skills - good communication skills gained through my experience as sales manager - excellent contact skills with people from different countries and from different cultures gained through my experience as a worker on a fair in the USA

Organisational / managerial skills - leadership ( was leader of group of people with which i travel and work together during my work trip to the USA ) - good organisational skills gained for work as an archivist and manager during university practice in the library and archives of the Dnipro's National Historical Museum.

Information processing Communication Content creation Safety Problem solving

Proficient user Proficient user Basic user Proficient user Independent user

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