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Офис менеджер

 29 травня 2018  Місто: Харків
Вік:32 роки
Режим роботи:плаваючий графік роботи
Рубрики: HR, управління персоналом; Офісний персонал
 Перебуваю в шлюбі  Є діти  Готова до відряджень

Досвід роботи

Офис менеджер
Fevernova mobile
02.2016 − 04.2018 (2 роки 2 місяці)
- work with incoming documentation / emails; - organization of events / team building; - submission of tax reports; - organization of office life (food, buns, decoration, plants, payment of bills); - keeping company accounts (fb, Instagram, linkedin); - meeting guests (airport pick up, put to hotel, excursion, entertainment…)


Харьковский национальный университет радиоэлектроники
Биомедицинская инженерия
повна вища, 09.2012 − 01.2017 (4 роки 4 місяці)

Знання мов:

English - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: 

English – B1


Get the vacancy of an office manager or personal assistant

in a cool team


- time management skills;

- competent speech, ability to persuade;

- the ability to learn and perceive information;

- ability to listen to the interlocutor and give him competent advice;

- manifestation of tact and tolerance;

- creativity.


Office Manager, Personal Assistant

02.2016- 04.2018


- work with incoming documentation / emails;

- organization of events / team building;

- submission of tax reports;

- organization of office life (food, buns, decoration, plants, payment of bills);

- keeping company accounts (fb, Instagram, linkedin);

- meeting guests (airport pick up, put to hotel, excursion, entertainment…)


Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics

Biomedical Engineering

2012-2017 (master)

Additional information

I love talking; our guests will be fascinated by the conversation for an unlimited time


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