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Чумаченко Алексей

Руководитель подразделения

30 000 грн.
 16 лютого 2022  Місто: Харків
Вік:48 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, часткова зайнятість
Рубрики: IT, WEB фахівці; Наука, освіта, переклади; Керівництво
 Перебуваю в шлюбі  Є діти  Готовий до відряджень
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Address:  Geroev Truda st. Kharkov, 61144, Ukraine

Oleksiy V. Chumachenko

Personal information

Born in the USSR ( Ukrainian republic ), 22 December, 1976. Married. The Ukrainian subject.


2000 – 2006


Kharkov State Aerospace University ( KAI ), Kharkov, Ukraine

A post-graduate training at the Chair of CAD’s Systems.

Candidate of science in the field of Control Systems

Concentration: automation of the development technology of the control systems.

Date of graduation: May 2006.

Kharkov State Aerospace University ( KAI ), Kharkov, Ukraine

Aircraft Building Faculty.

Diploma in information technology with distinction

Concentration: programming languages, database management systems, operating systems, system programming, computer charting, computer graphics, network management, methods of a data processing and applied statistics, etc.

Date of graduation: February 1999.


My hobby is the soccer and books.


English, Ukrainian and Russian (fluently)

Work experience

2020 – up to now


Company activities:

  • development and implementation of the Control Systems for the missiles and satellites in aerospace industries;

  • development and implementation of the Computer Information Systems and Control Systems for the nuclear power plants and railway stations.


Director of Special Testing.

2008 – 2020


Company activities:

  • development and implementation of the Control Systems for the missiles and satellites in aerospace industries;

  • development and implementation of the Computer Information Systems and Control Systems for the nuclear power plants.


The head of the Testing department.

1999 – 2008


Westron LLC, Kharkov, Ukraine -

Company activities:

  • development and implementation of the Computer Information Systems, Radiation Monitoring Systems, Control Systems and Safety Parameter Display Systems for the nuclear power plants and fossil power plants;

  • automation of the technological processes of the chemical plants.


The head of the Functional Design Group (from engineer including senior engineer and lead engineer).

Kharkov State Aerospace University ( KAI ), Kharkov, Ukraine

Development of the data processing software.


Laboratory assistant (the applied mathematics chair).


Programming languages ( software tools ): C,C++ (Borland C++ 3.11, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, Microsoft Studio Net, Sun Studio, Oracle Developer Studio), Pascal ( Borland Pascal 5.5 - 7.0), Delphi( Borland Delphi 2.0-3.0), AutoLisp, Prolog, Fortran 77.

Database management systems: Microsoft Visual Fox Pro 3.0-5.0, Microsoft Access 95 -2016, Oracle Database 10-11g-18c Express Edition.

Network operating systems: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/Vista/10, Novell NetWare 3.11, VAX VMS/Sun OS 2.3-2.6/Solaris OS/Cent OS/Linux Mint,

Mathematical software: MatLab 6.1 – 2007.

Other software: Microsoft Office 95-2016, Corel DRAW 5.0-8.0, AutoCAD 10-14, Unigraphics, MS Visio Professional & Project.

Professional qualification: Elaboration of the technical requirements, development of the functional and software specifications, designing of the information systems, application software testing and software support, origination of the user’s manual. The management of the testing department/test unit including the leadership of control systems’ hardware and the software tests in many branches of industries.


Participation in the following projects:

I. The Control System for Linear electron accelerator of the neutron source facility (International project – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Supervisory control of the development of all parts of control system. Elaboration of development, testing and acceptance plans. Holding meetings. Developing of test program and procedure for

software tests; electromagnetic compatibility, electrical safety, mechanical and climatic tests; developing of report documents for fire safety, reliability, radiation resistance.

Number of the involved people: 500.

II. The Control Systems of the railway stations of Ukrainian south-east railway on based of the microprocessor centralization (Local projects – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Developing of test program and procedure for software tests; electromagnetic compatibility, electrical safety, mechanical and climatic tests; developing of report documents for fire safety, reliability.

Number of the involved people: 70.

III. The Control System of the rocket Cyclon-4 (International project – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Developing of test program and procedure for electromagnetic compatibility, electrical safety, mechanical and climatic tests; developing of report documents for fire safety, reliability.

Number of the involved people: 260.

IV. The Radiation Monitoring Systems for Zaporozhye NPP Units 1-3 and Rovno NPP Units 3-4 (Local project – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Development of the functional specifications, management of the project databases, development of the common test procedures, management of the verification and the validation process, etc.

Accurate definition: Testing of the application software in Microsoft Visual Studio Net environment. Elaboration of the specifications and the test procedures based on Microsoft Office 2000.

Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000.

Number of the involved people: 25.

V. The Computer Information System for South-Ukrainian NPP Unit 3(International project – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Development of the functional specifications, management of the project databases, development of the testing models and procedures, management of the verification and the validation process, etc.

Accurate definition: Development of the testing software on the basis of MatLab 7 environment and Simulink tools and creation of the test cases’ scripts in CShell environment. Elaboration of the specifications and the test procedures based on Microsoft Office 2000.

Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000/Sun OS 2.6.

Number of the involved people: 30.

VI. The Computer Information Systems for Kozloduy NPP Units 5&6(International project – in USA/Bulgarian territory).

My job: Development of the testing models and procedures, testing of the application software, etc.

Accurate definition: Development of the testing software on the basis of MatLab 6.1 environment and Simulink tools and creation of the test cases’ scripts.

Operating systems: Microsoft Windows NT/Sun OS 2.6.

Number of the involved people: about 80.

VII. The Computer Information Systems, Safety Parameter Display Systems for South-Ukrainian NPP Unit 1, Zaporozhye NPP Units 1&6 (International project – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Development of the functional and software specifications, management of the project and unit-wide databases, coding and testing of the application software, etc.

Accurate definition: Development of the application software on the basis of SCADA systems Ovation/WDPF II (produced by Westinghouse EC) and Access 97.

Operating systems: Microsoft Windows NT/Sun OS 2.5.1

Number of the involved people: 35.

VIII. CAD’s system for the missiles on-board software projection (Hartron RPE, Kharkov, Ukraine).

(Local project – in Ukrainian territory).

My job: Development of the software specifications (SS) and coding in Microsoft Visual Studio 5.0 environment.

Accurate definition: SS were created in compliance with European standard ESA PSS 05 00-05. My participation in this project was the following:

  • creation and management of the main database for the control objects and the activators database;

  • processing of database information (interpolation methods);

  • programming of the differential equations systems integrating methods.

Elaboration of the software based on Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0/Access 97.

Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 95/NT.

Number of the involved people: 10.


Available upon request.

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