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 22 січня 2017  Місто: Харків
Вік:38 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день
Рубрики: Нерухомість та страхування

Додаткова інформація

Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: SELF-EDUCATION • Attending literary translation studio in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, supervisor: Kalnichenko Alexander Anatolievich (Associate Professor. Specialist in various aspects of translation) • Attending speaking club with native English and German speakers in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and in Bookstore "E" • Communicating in English with friends from English-speaking countries. • Attending seminars and watching webinars organized by publishing houses Oxford Express Publishing, McMillan, Pearson Longman. PUBLICATIONS Book Set of exercises for expanding of English vocabulary on the theme "Animals" for children aged from 6 to 10 years old. School fair of methodological ideas. 2012: 31 pages. Article in press "Set of exercises for expanding of vocabulary ", German Language at school (Methodological magazine) № 7 (19). 40 (2008): 10-18. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Letter of commendation from the Department of Education of Chervonozavodsky district in Kharkiv city for conscientious work and high level of professional skill. Diploma of I degree from the Department of Education of Chervonozavodsky district in Kharkiv city for participation in regional fair of pedagogical ideas. SEO-rewriter and copywriter Writing articles for sites on different topics, basically on design, building and repairs. Translator • Work on private entrepreneur, translating texts about railway, train and locomotive engineering. • Translating User Manuals • Translating business speeches On request, the samples of work (those which are open to public) can be provided. Elections Political observer, canvasser HOBBIES Captioning Translation of subtitles. Work in a group of volunteers or by my own. Translating subtitles from English into Russian. Editing translations of other translators from other languages. Embedding subtitles in videos. Timing and style of subtitles. Handmade articles and stitchcraf Handicrafts done to be used as visual aids at classes. Making handicrafts with children. Papercraft, origami, crafts from fabric, decorations. Decoration of clothes. ACADEMIC POSITIONS Teacher of English 2013- Present Denis’ School ( Teaching company employees. Substitute teacher. Business English. Philip Morris Boehringer Ingelheim Teacher of English 2013- Present Kharkivenergopribor Ltd. Teaching company employees. Technical English. Tutor 2003- Present Individual or group lessons English for children and adults. Preparation for work at the excursion ships, for travelling abroad. On request, recommendations from satisfied customers can be given. ZNO Senior instructor 2012- 2013 Ministry of Education External testing. Testing of school students Teacher of English 2011- 2013 Leleka Teaching pre-school children. Teacher of English 2012- 2013 Euroschool TPR-Methodology (Total Physical Response) Teaching young kids and adults. Substitute teacher. Teacher of English and German School № 114 2011 – 2013Увага-Євроклуб Teacher of pupils from 1 till 11 grades (English), from 5 till 9 (German). The organizer of the German and English-speaking club with native speakers. Teacher of English and German School № 34 2009 - 2011 Teacher of pupils from 1 till 11 grades (English), from 5 till 9 (German). The organizer of the club "English linguistics" with the aim to study traditions and celebrations of English speaking countries. In this club children also made handicrafts from paper, cards, wall newspapers and decorations dedicated to the holidays. The organizer of extracurricular activities, such as visiting events connected with English and German languages and with traditions and celebrations of English and German speaking countries. Secretary 2008 - 2009 V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, English philology department Work as a substitute teacher. Substitution of teachers on maternity or sick leave. Single lessons. Sets of lessons. Answering phone calls. Work with students and teachers. Work with documentation. Compiling of the tables, writing reports in Word and Exel. Guide-interpreter, Tour guide 2003 - 2008 Theodosia (During summer vacation) Search of clients: writing articles for the site in English and Russian. Advertising in the Internet, word of mouth advertising. Meeting the clients, providing accommodation, taxi. Firsthand view of the city, excursions around the city. Organization of excursions around the Crimea. Interpreting services for foreign clients. Conducting excursions in English. Accompanying clients around the places they visit. Actress 1998 - 2003 Theodosian national theater "Paradocs" Theatrical performances for kids. Performances at local events and celebrations.MA in English Language and Literature (2008) V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Qualification: philologist, interpreter of English and German, teacher of English language and literature and German language. BA in Philology (2007) V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Qualification: Bachelor in Philology, teacher of English.• The Microsoft-approved course: Creation of static sites with the help of the programming language HTML5 Decorating of web-pages with the help of the cascade tables of styles v.3 2013 Microsoft IT Academy "Quantor" • Typist (Word, Excel) 2008 Training and Technical Center NGO "Dolphin"

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