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  1. Робота в Україні
  2. Резюме
  3. Резюме в Києві
  4. Резюме Personal assistant в Києві
  5. Personal assistant
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Professional resumeПрофесійне резюме, в якому вказані: ел.пошта, телефон, зарплатня, досвід роботи, освіта та інша важлива інформаціяPersonal assistant

17 000 грн.
 21 травня 2020  Місто: Київ
Вік:37 років
Режим роботи:повний робочий день, віддалена робота
Рубрики: Офісний персонал; Керівництво
 Перебуваю в шлюбі  Є діти 

Досвід роботи

Marriage Agency (Marriage Agency), Київ
05.2014 − По теперішній час (10 років 4 місяці)

- communicating with clients by dint of chats/letters.

Sales Manager
National Training Agency, Kyiv (Trainings), Київ
08.2011 − 03.2020 (8 років 6 місяців)

- filling the database with potential clients;
- mailing of information;
- conducting of business correspondence with clients;
- working with own client base;
- making commercial offers;
- billing and payment control;
- maintaining of the events (food purchase, organization of coffee breaks/lunches);
- preparing accounting documents for clients (acts/contracts);
- working with the post offices;
- working in the CRM system.

Hotel Management Assistant
State Enterprise of the Minister f Defence of Ukraine "Hotel Kozatskiy" (Hotel and restaurant activity), Київ
09.2010 − 08.2011 (11 місяців)

- conducting clerical work;
- preparing official letters, requests, orders, reports, protocols;
- assisting to the Human Resources Department with documentation;
- incoming/outcoming calls;
- incoming/outcoming correspondence;
- verification of documents submitted to managers for consideration/signature; their editing in accordance with internal rules of business;
- receiving correspondence for CEO and its subsequent allocation to structural units or to specific performers;
- providing the workplaces of managers as well as structural units of the enterprise with the necessary means of organizational equipment, stationery;
- exercising control over the implementation of issued orders by employees;
- sending correspondence;
- working with post office;
- working with office equipment (copying, scanning, printing);
- conducting business correspondence with the internal structural divisions of the enterprise.

Specialist of Family and Youth Department, Deputy Assistant
Department of Family and Youth Affairs of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, Kyiv (Government sector), Київ
05.2009 − 05.2010 (1 рік )

- working in the sphere of family and youth policy;
- undertaking measures directed on the prevention of domestic violence;
- collecting and considerating of reports from regions about troubled families and work with them by means of visiting the place of residence of habitual offenders in the area of family and domestic relations;
- arranging regular inspections of district administrations of Kyiv region in order to verify reports on work that was conducted with dysfunctional families;
- collecting information about large families;
- creating and maintaining the database of large families;
- making reports about above-mentioned items;
- collecting information about the heroine mothers;
- checking information and personal documents of above-mentioned women in order to be presented for the reward;
- making reports about demographic development and methods of preventing human trafficking;
- carrying out charity events for children from large families, children with disabilities and orphans;
- as deputy assistant: acceptance and consideration of applications; verification of documents in order to provide applicants with material support.

Secretary (clerical work)
Kyiv Regional Communal Center for Youth Development, Kyiv (Government sector), Київ
09.2008 − 05.2009 (7 місяців)

- incoming/outcoming calls;
- incoming/outcoming documentation/correspondence;
- preparing telephone/statistical e-manuals;
- conducting business correspondence with structural units of Kyiv Region;
- reception of visitors;
- preparing orders and other official documents and control of their implementation by collaborators;
- copying/printing/scanning of documentation by request;
- checking documentation provided to management for signing.


Kyiv Slavistic University Interregional Humanitarian Institute (Київ)
International relations
повна вища, 09.2004 − 06.2010 (5 років 9 місяців)

Знання мов:

Англійська - Вище середнього, Німецька - Нижче середнього, Російська - Професійний (експерт), Українська - Професійний (експерт)

Додаткова інформація

Знання комп'ютера, програм: Main Programs: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, CRM.
Особисті якості, хобі, захоплення, навички: Learning languages, reading. Personal qualities: - responsible; - serious; - honest; - open-minded; - level-headed.

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