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  5. E-mail маркетолог
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E-mail маркетолог

 14 червня 2021  Одеса 
Компанія: Target Consulting Group  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:IT, WEB фахівці; Реклама, маркетинг, PR

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:повна вища
Досвід роботи:від двох років
Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії

Functional responsibilities:

• Planning and launching trigger chains within the project; hypothesis generation, testing and analysis of results, etc.

• Setting tasks for designers and layout designers to create content;

• Work with the company’s customer base: replenishment, segmentation;

• Analysis and submission of reports;

• Optimization of companies based on the obtained results;

• Interaction with other departments to conduct joint marketing campaigns;Advanced Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Tag Manager.

Work experience requirements:

• Experience in email marketing from 2 years;

• Knowledge of the main formats of email-mailings: promo-mailings, trigger letters, chain of letters;

• Skills in working with texts: writing articles, newsletters on various topics. Quick search and structuring of information. Understanding the infostyle;

• Basic HTML and CSS skills. Understanding the features of typesetting by email;

• Basic EXCEL skills;

• Basic experience of segmentation of bases for mailings;• Basic experience of collecting databases for mailings: forms, pop-ups, etc .;

• Lively interest and knowledge of trends and technologies of Internet marketing in general and email marketing in particular;

• Ability to conduct analytics and draw conclusions;

• Knowledge of English on upper-intermediate level or enough to create email newsletters in English.

Level of English — B2

для резюме: відправити резюме

Телефон: +3 8067 932 78 91

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