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  3. Вакансії в Андріївці (Сквирськ. р-н. Київська обл.)
  4. Робота Electrical engineer в Україні
  5. Electrical engineer
Відправити резюме

Electrical engineer

Компанія: The Geodes Oil and Gas  ( (Всі вакансії)
Рубрики:Будівництво, архітектура; Виробництво; Робота за кордоном


Контактна особа:Andrew Kelly
Адреса:96 George Street

Побажання до співробітника

Освіта:не має значення
Досвід роботи:не вимагається
Графік роботи:часткова зайнятість

Опис вакансії

Job Overview:

The Electrical Engineer will be responsible for the design, development, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment in oil and gas facilities. This role requires expertise in electrical engineering, troubleshooting, and compliance with safety standards and regulations in the oil and gas industry. The engineer will ensure the efficient and safe operation of electrical infrastructure within exploration, drilling, production, and refining environments.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Electrical System Design 
  • Installation & Commissioning : Supervise and support the installation and commissioning of electrical equipment such as transformers, generators, and motor control centers (MCCs).
  • Maintenance & Troubleshooting : Perform regular inspections, diagnostics, and repairs of electrical systems to ensure optimal performance. Troubleshoot faults in electrical circuits and systems.
  • Compliance & Safety : Ensure all electrical systems and designs comply with industry safety standards, local regulations, and company policies, including Hazardous Area Classification (HAC).
  • Project Support : Provide technical support during project phases, ensuring that electrical specifications are met on time and within budget.
  • Documentation & Reporting : Prepare detailed technical reports, including system diagrams, schematics, and maintenance records.
  • Collaboration : Work closely with multidisciplinary teams (mechanical, instrumentation, civil engineers, etc.) to integrate electrical systems seamlessly within the facility.
  • Energy Efficiency : Implement energy-saving measures and recommend equipment upgrades to enhance efficiency and reduce operational costs.
  • Training : Assist in training and mentoring junior electrical engineers and technicians on electrical systems and safety practices.


  • Education :A diploma or a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or a related field.
  • Experience : Minimum of 2 years of experience in electrical engineering within the oil and gas industry or a similar heavy industry.
  • Skills :
    • Proficient in electrical system design software (eg, AutoCAD, ETAP, SKM Power Tools).
    • Familiarity with electrical codes and standards such as NEC, IEC, and IEEE.
    • Experience with hazardous area classification, explosion-proof equipment, and safety procedures.
    • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
    • Ability to work in challenging and remote environments.

Proficient in troubleshooting electrical faults and performing root cause analysis


Шановні кандидати, звертаємо вашу увагу на платні номери телефонів з кодом 070 (700), 090 (900), а також на прямі короткі мобільні номери. Вартість хвилини розмови з таким номером може становити до 60 грн. Якщо Ви подзвонили за номером телефону вказаному в вакансії, а автовідповідач або людина що відповіла пропонує передзвонити на номер з таким кодом — переконливе прохання, не дзвоніть, щоб не стати жертвою телефонного обману!

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