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  5. National Consultant
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National Consultant

 27 листопада 2018  Київ 
Компанія: Lumos Foundation  ( (Всі вакансії)

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Графік роботи:повний робочий день

Опис вакансії

Terms of Reference for recruiting Consultant to support the implementation of the DI reform in Ukraine

Post Title: National Consultant

Organization: Lumos Foundation

Duty Station: Kiev, Ukraine

Duration: 15 January – 31 December 2019 (with potential extension)

Programme: Lumos Ukraine (PIP 2019)


Ukraine has among the highest number of institutionalised children in the European region (estimated at 105.000 children in 755 institutions). Being a country that ratified UN Convention on the Rights of Child (1991) and that declared its European integration aspirations (1993), Ukraine reconsidered country vision on child protection. During the last years, in order to change the situation, the effort of the state and civil society institutions was directed and focussed on promoting the reform of childcare system. This led to approval of the National Strategy of Institutional Childcare System Reform and the National Action Plan for 2017-2026 (August 9th, 2017).

Following this crucial achievement, a range of important reform processes have to be realized at the country level: designing or updating of policies and normative acts to ensure DI, developing the multidisciplinary support systems and creating the community-based services for children and their families, ensuring the inter-agency cooperation and coordination within the reform, etc.

The Ombudsman for Children has been designated by the President of Ukraine to lead the DI reform and to coordinate all related processes.

Known as an expert in the DI reform at international level, Lumos has been invited by the Ukrainian Ombudsman for Children to provide technical assistance and expertise to the country during the reform implementation. The involvement of Lumos in the reform processes in Ukraine was formalised by concluding a Cooperation Agreement with the Ombudsman for Children.

According to the Agreement, Lumos provides remote support to Ukrainian authorities at the national and regional levels. At the national level, the support is focussed on the strengthening the capacity of the main agents in charge of promoting DI reform (Ombudsman Office, relevant ministries), through providing methodological assistance, delivering training, offering expert advice, etc.

In order to support the Ombudsman Office to fulfil its mission regarding DI reform and to facilitate the implementation of the Lumos PIP in Ukraine, Lumos is contracting a National Consultant.


To support the Ombudsman for Children's Office in the implementation of the National DI Strategy and in the fulfilment of the all associated processes.

Role and Responsibilities

  • 1. Cooperate with national authorities in charge of National DI Strategy implementation. Represent Lumos in relation with these.
  • 2. Develop and facilitate the process of signing cooperation agreements on child protection domain (DI reform, inclusive education, etc.) with the Ukrainian Ombudsman for Children, with the Ministry of Social Policies, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Health.
  • 3. Support the Ombudsman Office and ministries in organising and participate in activities (official events, trainings, roundtables, working groups, etc.) related to the implementation of the National DI Strategy.
  • 4. Initiate and participate directly in developing normative and methodological documents for the DI reform implementation, according to the priorities identified alongside with Ombudsman Office, ministries and other partners/stakeholders.
  • 5. Participate in designing and developing services which will replace residential childcare system, according to the priorities identified alongside with Ombudsman Office, ministries and other partners/stakeholders.
  • 6. Attend in the different working groups, devoted to the development of the legal framework, reflected in the Action Plan for implementation of the National Strategy, as well as of other legislation as may be required to secure children’s rights to education, health care and social protection;
  • 7. Identify a group of so-called DI “champions” – public persons, decision makers, specialists – whose knowledge and experience in deinstitutionalisation are outstanding and recognised and can serve as benchmarks. Develop, jointly with the group of “champions”, an Activity Plan to value their experience within the DI implementation process.
  • 8. Support the regional state administrations across the country (excepting Zhytomyr region) in developing and approving Regional DI Action Plans:
- provide methodological assistance and support (plan’s template, samples, etc.);- deliver consultancy and expert advice;- communicate with regional governors to ensure approval of the plans;
  • - carry out any other activities to achieve this task.
  • 9. Support the Zhytomyr Regional State Administration in DI Action Plan implementation. Offer technical assistance in:
- conducting complex assessment of the residential institutions;- organising meetings, trainings, workshops, etc.;
  • - monitoring progressive implementation of the Regional DI Action Plan, etc.
  • 10. Provide, through coordination with Lumos experts, ongoing technical assistance to DI Team, created under the Ombudsman Office:
- carry out the needs assessment and provide support accordingly;- organise working meetings to coordinate common activities and to ensure coherence of the different plans regarding DI reform;
  • - offer consultancy, recommendations, instructions, etc.
  • 11. Monitor and provide direct ongoing support to the local coordinators in Zhytomyr to fulfil their responsibilities.
  • 12. Monitor and provide support to short-term consultants, hired for specific tasks.
  • 13. Develop and provide, as required, different information, statistics, other materials reflecting the DI reform implementation in Ukraine.
  • 14. Ensure the dissemination of the Lumos best DI practices across the country.
  • 15. Facilitate the organisation of study visits, trainings, exchanges of experiences, etc.
  • 16. Facilitate Lumos relations in Ukraine and ensure Lumos visibility at the country level.
  • 17. Liaise closely with relevant partners to ensure fulfilment of the tasks established within these Tors.
  • 18. Liaise and coordinate with Lumos team (Head of Europe, Ukraine Coordinator) all the aspects revealed in these TORs.
  • 19. Carry out any other assignments as requested to achieve the TOR’s aim.
  • 20. Prepare and submit monthly reports on the accomplished tasks.

Qualifications and specialised knowledge/experience required:

  • § Relevant Degree in Public Administration, Education, Social Science, Law or in related fields.
  • § At least 5 years of prior work experience in above-mentioned domains.
  • § Demonstrated knowledge and experience in promoting reforms, developing policy and/or legal acts, coordinating intersectoral and inter-levels work, communicating with public authorities, facilitating stakeholder/working group consultations, etc.
  • § Demonstrated experience in working in an international environment.
  • § Excellent analytical and organisational capacities.
  • § Capacity to produce quality work within a deadline and under pressure.
  • § Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
  • § Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Ukrainian. Working knowledge of Russian and English will be an added advantage.

Closing date for applications: December 15, 2018

Please, send your applications to: відправити резюме

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